Possible Duplicate:
How to compare strings in an “if” statement?
I'm using C. My two strings, when compared with the equals == operator, are not matching up, even if the std output looks the same.
Consider one of the arrays started as an array of integers, which I converted to characters by adding a '0' to each integer and loading into another char * array.
So now both arrays are character arrays with characters and the same std output, but my "if" selection structure is not working to match them. I am using the char * name to reference each array.
I could post this entire code if necessary. Here is a loop with the comparison:
pipx = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));
sec = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));
//for (b = 0; b < lengthx; b++){
//reallocate a second array
pipx = (char*)realloc(sec, ((i+1)*sizeof(char)) );
sec = pipx;
//add bitstr[b] to second array
sec[i] = (char)bitstr[b] + '0';
for (m = 0; m < k; m++){
printf("codex[m].bitx:%s", codex[m].bitx);
printf("sec:%s|\n", sec);
printf("seclen: %i", (int)strlen(sec));
printf("codex[m].bitxlen: %i\n", (int)strlen(codex[m].bitx));
if ((char*)sec == (char*)codex[m].bitx){
printf("This should output: %s", sec);
printf("Here ---------------------- Here");
//allocate the second array to zero
sec = (char*)malloc(0);