I'm curious to know how facebook has implemented authentication on mobile app.

The app is installed on the mobile device, then (the first time), it ask you email and password and store them. Where? In a file? Or in a sqlite db? And how facebook protect them?

The next time, the app doesn't prompt the login, so i think that user and password are sent automatically by the app. Also I read that, after the login, the facebook's api generate a token used during the request/responses between mobile and server.


2 回答 2


我猜这将是与您的帐户相关联的令牌,以允许移动客户端和 facebook 服务器之间进行通信。我怀疑您的密码和用户名是否存储在本地任何地方的文件中,但它们会存储在加密的 facebook 服务器中的某个地方。

于 2012-09-25T22:33:23.437 回答

我相信它存储在 sqlite db 中。因为有时当我尝试通过慢速网络登录时,或者如果连接不成功,我会在 logcat 中收到此特定错误消息

“sqlite 代码返回 0”。

于 2012-09-26T08:38:12.550 回答