我正在使用 Labjack 进行一些带有 python 2.7.3 32bit 的数字 I/O 并遇到以下情况:
这是我正在调用的 labjack u6 函数:
class PortStateRead(FeedbackCommand):
PortStateRead Feedback command
Reads the state of all digital I/O.
>>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortStateRead() )
[ { 'FIO' : 10, 'EIO' : 0, 'CIO' : 0 } ]
def __init__(self):
self.cmdBytes = [ 26 ]
def __repr__(self):
return "<u6.PortStateRead()>"
readLen = 3
def handle(self, input):
return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] }
>>> import u6
>>> handle = u6.U6()
>>> x = handle.getFeedback(u6.PortStateRead())
>>> x
[{'CIO': 15, 'FIO': 255, 'EIO': 255}]
>>> x['FIO']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
将 x[0] 分配给新变量分配为字典
>>> y = x[0]
>>> y['FIO']