Dim wksht As Worksheet
Dim maxsheet As Worksheet
Dim currentdate as Integer
Dim maxdate as Integer
'go through each worksheet. compare the value of current date extracted from each sheet
'to maxdate. If currentdate > maxdate maxdate = currentdate.
'remember the worksheet for maxdate as maxsheet.
maxdate = 0
For Each wksht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With wksht
currentdate = wksht.Range("B1").Value
If currentdate > maxdate Then
maxsheet = wksht
maxdate = currentdate
End If
End With
Next wksht
到底是怎么回事?我得到的错误是“'91':对象变量或未设置块变量。” 我不太了解帮助部分或如何修复它。
再次查看代码,我预见到另一个问题,一旦我存储了工作表,就可以使用工作表。我可以只使用 maxsheet.select 吗?