我正在做一个需要使用 GA 的项目。我在我的代码中遇到了以下错误。

下面的代码是做 GA 的交叉。大多数变量是通过用户表单输入的。*注意此代码可能包含更多错误。


Dim FitValarr() As Long
Dim fitsmall As Long
Dim Poparr() As Integer
Dim PopSize As Long
Dim Cross_Prob As Double
Dim overallRandom As Single
Dim FitValarr() As Long
Dim fitsmall As Long
Dim newChildarr() As Integer
Dim newChildfit As Integer
Dim child1() As Integer
Dim child2() As Integer
Dim fitvalchild1 As Integer
Dim fitvalchild2 As Integer
Dim crossoverpos As Integer
Dim chromosomerandom As Integer
Dim fitbig As Integer
Dim i As Long, j As Long, counter As Long
Dim Chromolength As Integer


Chromolength = varchromolength * aVariables  'usual value is around 30 = (10*3)
ReDim Poparr(1 To PopSize, 1 To Chromolength)
ReDim FitValarr(1 To PopSize)                 'popsize is around 10 -50
ReDim newChildarr(1 To Chromolength) As Integer
ReDim child1(1 To Chromolength) As Integer
ReDim child2(1 To Chromolength) As Integer

 'chosing two random chromosomes
Dim rand1 As Integer
Dim rand2 As Integer

rand1 = Int(Rnd * PopSize)               'generate random value between 1-50
rand2 = Int(Rnd * PopSize)               'same as above

Do While rand1 = rand2
       rand2 = Int(Rnd * PopSize)        'checking that the two random values isn't the same

If overallRandom < Cross_Prob Then                  

    If FitValarr(rand1) > FitValarr(rand2) Then    
        Do While rand1 = rand2
        rand2 = Int(Rnd * PopSize)
        Do While rand1 = rand2                     
        rand1 = Int(Rnd * PopSize)
    End If

    crossoverpos = Int(Rnd * Chromolength)
    Do While crossoverpos < 1 & crossoverpos > Chromolength

    'do crossover and assign it to child# array
    For i = 1 To crossoverpos                                   
        child1(i) = Poparr(rand1, i)                            
        child2(i) = Poparr(rand2, i)                            
    Next i

    For i = crossoverpos To Chromolength
        child1(i) = Poparr(rand2, i)                            
        child2(i) = Poparr(rand1, i)                            
    Next i

    'fitness of the two offsprings
    For i = 1 To Chromolength                                  
        counter = Chromolength

        Do While counter > 0
            fitvalchild1 = fitvalchild1 + child1(counter) * 2 ^ (i - 1)
            fitvalchild2 = fitvalchild2 + child2(counter) * 2 ^ (i - 1)
            counter = counter - 1
    Next i

    If fitvalchild1 > fitvalchild2 Then                        
        newChildfit = fitvalchild1                             
        For i = 1 To Chromolength
        newChildarr(i) = child1(i)                             
        Next i

        newChildfit = fitvalchild2                             
        For i = 1 To Chromolength
        newChildarr(i) = child2(i)                             
        Next i

    End If

    newChildfit = FitValarr(rand1)                              
    For i = 1 To Chromolength
        newChildarr(i) = Poparr(rand1, i)                       
    Next i

End If 'end crossover


 If FitValarr(rand1) > FitValarr(rand2) Then 

我为长代码道歉。我对 VBA 还很陌生,但仍在苦苦挣扎。


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