首先,我是一名 Objective-C 新手。所以我对 OS X 或 iOS 开发不是很熟悉。我的经验主要是在 Java 中。


现在就 GUI 应用程序而言,它非常简单。我有一个初始化自定义视图的控制器。这个自定义视图还实现InterceptorProtocol了它可以监听世界上发生的事情。我创建一个World对象并将视图作为拦截器传递。视图通过私有属性维护对世界的引用,因此一旦我初始化了世界,我将视图的世界属性设置为我刚刚创建的世界(我意识到这会创建一个循环,但我需要对视图方法中的世界,drawRect我能拥有它的唯一方法是如果我从类中保持对它的引用)。


在方法中(从后台线程上运行intercept调用),我设置为. 由于世界的方法在一个单独的线程中运行,所以我还有一个用于同步的锁定对象,这样我就不会在它被变异时处理该对象(这部分有点笨拙,它可能不工作我期望它的方式 - 有不止几个粗糙的地方,我只是想努力工作;我计划稍后清理)。startsetNeedsToDisplayYESstartWorld




#import "MasterViewController.h"
#import "World.h"
#import "InfectableBug.h"

@interface MasterViewController ()


@implementation MasterViewController

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
    if (self) {
        _worldView = [[WorldView alloc] init];

        World* world = [[World alloc] initWithName: @"Bhumi"
                                              rows: 100
                                           columns: 100
                                        iterations: 2000
                                  snapshotInterval: 1
                                       interceptor: _worldView];
        for(int i = 0; i < 999; i++) {
            NSMutableString* name = [NSMutableString stringWithString: @"HealthyBug"];
            [name appendString: [[NSNumber numberWithInt: i] stringValue]];
            [world addBug: [[InfectableBug alloc] initWithWorld: world
                                                           name: name
                                                          layer: @"FirstLayer"
                                                       infected: NO
                                                infectionRadius: 1
                                               incubationPeriod: 10
                                        infectionStartIteration: 0]];

        NSLog(@"Added all bugs. Going to add infected");

        [world addBug: [[InfectableBug alloc] initWithWorld: world
                                                       name: @"InfectedBug"
                                                      layer: @"FirstLayer"
                                                   infected: YES
                                            infectionRadius: 1
                                           incubationPeriod: 10
                                    infectionStartIteration: 0]];

        [_worldView setWorld: world];

        //[world start];

    return self;

- (NSView*) view {
    return self.worldView;



#import "WorldView.h"
#import "World.h"
#import "InfectableBug.h"

@implementation WorldView

@synthesize world;

- (id) initWithFrame:(NSRect) frame {
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self) {
        // Initialization code here.

    return self;

- (void) drawRect:(NSRect) dirtyRect {

    CGContextRef myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
    CGContextClearRect(myContext, CGRectMake(0, 0, 1024, 768));

    NSUInteger rows = [world rows];
    NSUInteger columns = [world columns];

    NSUInteger cellWidth = 1024 / columns;
    NSUInteger cellHeight = 768 / rows;

    if([world running]) {
        @synchronized (_lock) {
            //Ideally we would need layers, but for now let's just get this to display
            NSArray* bugs = [world bugs];
            NSEnumerator* enumerator = [bugs objectEnumerator];
            InfectableBug* bug;
            while ((bug = [enumerator nextObject])) {
                if([bug infected] == YES) {
                    CGContextSetRGBFillColor(myContext, 128, 0, 0, 1);
                } else {
                    CGContextSetRGBFillColor(myContext, 0, 0, 128, 1);

                NSLog(@"Drawing bug %@ at %lu, %lu with width %lu and height %lu", [bug name], [bug x] * cellWidth, [bug y] * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight);

                CGContextFillRect(myContext, CGRectMake([bug x] * cellWidth, [bug y] * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight));
    } else {
        [world performSelectorInBackground: @selector(start) withObject: nil];

- (BOOL) isFlipped {
    return YES;

- (void) intercept: (World *) aWorld {

    struct timespec time;
    time.tv_sec  = 0;
    time.tv_nsec = 500000000L;

    //nanosleep(&time, NULL);

    @synchronized (_lock) {
        [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];



- (void) start {

    running = YES;

    while(currentIteration < iterations) {

        @autoreleasepool {

            [bugs shuffle];

            NSEnumerator* bugEnumerator = [bugs objectEnumerator];
            Bug* bug;

            while((bug = [bugEnumerator nextObject])) {

                NSString* originalLayer = [bug layer];
                NSUInteger originalX = [bug x];
                NSUInteger originalY = [bug y];

                //NSLog(@"Bug %@ is going to act and location %i:%i is %@", [bug name], [bug x], [bug y], [self isOccupied: [bug layer] x: [bug x] y: [bug y]] ? @"occupied" : @"not occupied");
                [bug act];
                //NSLog(@"Bug has acted");

                if(![originalLayer isEqualToString: [bug layer]] || originalX != [bug x] || originalY != [bug y]) {
                    //NSLog(@"Bug has moved");
                    [self moveBugFrom: originalLayer atX: originalX atY: originalY toLayer: [bug layer] atX: [bug x] atY: [bug y]];
                    //NSLog(@"Updated bug position");

            if(currentIteration % snapshotInterval == 0) {
                [interceptor intercept: self];



如果您想查看任何其他代码,请告诉我。我意识到代码并不漂亮。我只是想让东西正常工作,我计划稍后清理它。另外,如果我违反了 Objective-C 最佳实践,请告诉我!



1 回答 1



UI 更新必须在主线程上执行

如果我正确阅读了您的代码,您将start在后台线程上调用该方法。start 方法包含类似的东西moveBugFrom:...以及intercept:方法。因此,intercept 方法调用setNeedsDisplay:后台线程。

让所有与 UI 相关的东西在主线程上执行。最好的选择是使用 Grand Central Dispatch,除非您需要支持 iOS < 4 或 OS X < 10.6(或者是 10.7?),如下所示:

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
    // perform UI updates
于 2012-09-25T17:09:43.780 回答