编辑:好像我在控制台 com.apple.launchd: (com.xxxx.adbind[57]) Exited with code: 1 中遇到错误


还; 如果我加载使用launchctl命令登录的launchd plist文件,它工作正常!

我正在让自己发疯,试图弄清楚为什么我的 launchd 不起作用。我在 Mountain Lion 10.8.2 中使用它当我使用 launchctl 手动启动它时,它说它已加载,但脚本未运行。手动运行的脚本也可以正常工作。也许它只需要更好的眼睛来看看我在做什么。

首先,我将解释我要完成的工作。我有大约 400 台计算机在场外成像。我需要这些计算机绑定到 AD,这不能在我们的网络之外完成。我想通过在启动时运行launchd脚本来调用脚本,然后让脚本在运行之前检查它是否在网络中,我可以在AD用户登录之前将这些计算机在第一次启动时绑定到我们的网络中。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

我试过在有和没有 WorkingDirectory 键的情况下使用它。

这是我的脚本,我将我的脚本放在 /usr/local/bin


computerid=`/usr/sbin/scutil --get LocalHostName`

# Standard parameters
domain="xxx.xxxx.edu"           # fully qualified DNS name of Active Directory Domain
udn="xxxxxx"            # username of a privileged network user
password="xxxxx"                    # password of a privileged network user
ou="OU=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxxx,DC=edu"       # Distinguished name of container for the computer

# Advanced options
alldomains="enable"         # 'enable' or 'disable' automatic multi-domain authentication
localhome="enable"          # 'enable' or 'disable' force home directory to local drive
protocol="smb"              # 'afp' or 'smb' change how home is mounted from server
mobile="enable"         # 'enable' or 'disable' mobile account support for offline logon
mobileconfirm="disable"     # 'enable' or 'disable' warn the user that a mobile acct will be created
useuncpath="enable"         # 'enable' or 'disable' use AD SMBHome attribute to determine the home dir
user_shell="/bin/bash"      # e.g., /bin/bash or "none"
preferred="-preferred xxx.xxxxx.edu"    # Use the specified server for all Directory lookups and authentication
                            # (e.g. "-nopreferred" or "-preferred ad.server.edu")
admingroups="xxx\admins,xxx\teachers,xxx\ADManagement - Computers,xxx\employees"    # These comma-separated AD groups may administer the machine (e.g. "" or "APPLE\mac admins")

# Login hook setting -- specify the path to a login hook that you want to run instead of this script

### End of configuration

## Wait until all network services are up.
ipconfig waitall

# Check to see if we're in the district
if ping -c 1 xxx.xxx.x.x

# Activate the AD plugin
defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "Active Directory" "Active"
plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService.plist
sleep 5

# Remove computer from OU
dsconfigad -f -r -u xxxxxxx -p xxxxxx
sleep 5

# Bind to AD
dsconfigad -f -a $computerid -domain $domain -u $udn -p "$password" -ou "$ou"

# Configure advanced AD plugin options
if [ "$admingroups" = "" ]; then
    dsconfigad -nogroups
    dsconfigad -groups "$admingroups"

dsconfigad -alldomains $alldomains -localhome $localhome -protocol $protocol \
    -mobile $mobile -mobileconfirm $mobileconfirm -useuncpath $useuncpath \
    -shell $user_shell $preferred

# Restart DirectoryService (necessary to reload AD plugin activation settings)
killall DirectoryService

# Add the AD node to the search path
if [ "$alldomains" = "enable" ]; then
    csp="/Active Directory/All Domains"
    csp="/Active Directory/$domain"

# This works in a pinch if the above code does not
defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Node Custom Path Array" -array "/Active Directory/All Domains"
defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Policy" -int 4
defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/ContactsNodeConfig "Search Node Custom Path Array" -array "/Active Directory/All Domains"
defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/ContactsNodeConfig "Search Policy" -int 4

plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig.plist

## Remove the script and launchd job. Be sure to delete the script.
launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.xxxx.adbind.plist 
rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.xxxx.adbind.plist
rm /usr/local/bin/adbind.bash

exit 0
echo "District not Available. Quitting"
exit 1



2 回答 2


好吧,我终于解决了我的问题并找到了解决方案!我将在这里发布答案,希望有一天能帮助别人!似乎 launchd 文件运行的时间不够长,无法运行我的整个脚本。所以我在 plist 中添加了 KeepAlive 键。现在看起来像这样。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

我也遇到了权限问题,发现我创建并将脚本放入的“bin”文件夹不属于 root。所以我在我的文件和文件夹上运行了 chown 和 chmod。像这样。

sudo chown root:wheel bin
sudo chown root:wheel adbind.bash
sudo chmod 755 adbind.bash
sudo chown root:wheel com.xxxx.adbind.plist
sudo chmod 755 com.xxxx.adbind.plist
于 2012-10-02T16:13:53.967 回答

退出代码 1 表示脚本以错误条件退出。如果它以 0 退出,则意味着没有错误。

于 2012-11-03T08:25:40.580 回答