我通过等待 DOM 因 Ajax 调用而改变来做到这一点。我创建了 DocumentElement 的子类,将其称为 AsyncDocumentElement 并覆盖 findAll 方法:
public function findAll($selector, $locator, $waitms=5000)
$xpath = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->selectorToXpath($selector, $locator);
// add parent xpath before element selector
if (0 === strpos($xpath, '/')) {
$xpath = $this->getXpath().$xpath;
} else {
$xpath = $this->getXpath().'/'.$xpath;
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
// my code to wait until the xpath expression provides an element
if ($waitms && !($this->getSession()->getDriver() instanceof \Behat\Symfony2Extension\Driver\KernelDriver)) {
$templ = 'document.evaluate("%s", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ).snapshotLength > 0;';
$waitJs = sprintf($templ, $xpath);
$this->getSession()->wait($waitms, $waitJs);
return $this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($xpath);
然后在 \Behat\Mink\Session 我更改了构造函数以使用该类。
public function __construct(DriverInterface $driver, SelectorsHandler $selectorsHandler = null)
if (null === $selectorsHandler) {
$selectorsHandler = new SelectorsHandler();
$this->driver = $driver;
$this->page = new AsyncDocumentElement($this);
$this->selectorsHandler = $selectorsHandler;
一旦我这样做了,我发现我的 AngularJS 测试工作正常。到目前为止,我只在 Firefox 中进行了测试。