I have two sliding bars and I want to get the value the user sets them to and do some maths on it. var days and var total are my attempts to do this. I was taking it that the UI slider stores its values as stings and not integers. But both my attempts below, then use either just return a NaN value? So what am I doing wrong?

var days = parseInt($(this).attr('#day_output'), 10);
var total = parseInt($('#amount_outputTotal'));
var fees = 5;
var valueout;

valueout = 60 * days + fees;

$(document).ready(function() {

Many Thanks Glenn.


2 回答 2


我们的项目之一使用 jqueryUI ahs 以下代码:

fixed = $().fixFloat(ui.value);


尝试从 parseInt 更改为 parseFloat 并通过控制台输出:


为什么这里没有 .attr 或 .val 之类的东西?

于 2012-09-25T11:45:23.497 回答


var val_single = $('#your_slider').slider('value');

var val_array = $('#your_slider').slider('values');

请 rtfm http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/

于 2012-09-25T10:04:35.790 回答