I have a big time trying to either convert a string into a integer or multiply two integers. I can't convert the string into integer because it's resulting me into a boolean (when I'm using var_dump). I can convert the other integer in string, but I'm unable to multiply it.
I have this:
<? $fees=$commerce->cart->get_total();
$payfee = str_replace(' €', '', $fees);
$payfee = str_replace(',','', $payfee); //this is the string
$fee = 0.025;
$paypal = $payfee * $fee; //this thing is not working
I tried converting the payfee in integer, but still can't make it work. I did something like this before and worked well, but not this time.
Any help will be appreciated.
P.S Thank you to the whole stackoverflow.com community which helped me many times before.