我有一个类处理 exe 进程的执行,它是一个控制台应用程序(用 Fortran 编写!)。运行此程序时,用户必须首先输入一个输入文件的名称(必须与 exe 存在于同一位置)和一个输出文件(尚不存在,但由 exe 生成)。

在我对 Execute 方法的单元测试中(见下文),一切正常。输出文件正确生成。但是,当我从 MVC 应用程序中点击此方法时,exe 无法找到输入文件,即使它确实存在。我能想到的唯一解释是VS2010自动创建的“TestResults”文件夹在权限方面有所不同,或者单元测试过程有所不同。

    public void Execute(string inputFileName, string outputFileName, int timeoutMilliseconds)
        if (outputFileName == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("outputFileName");
        else if (inputFileName == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("inputFileName");

        if (outputFileName == string.Empty)
            throw new ArgumentException("outputFileName must not be an empty string");
        else if (inputFileName == string.Empty)
            throw new ArgumentException("inputFileName must not be an empty string");

        if (!File.Exists(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dataPath"]  + inputFileName))
            throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found.", inputFileName);            

        Process p = new Process();
        p.StartInfo = GetProcessStartInfo();

        string output = "";

        // Read up to line where program asks for input file name.
        while (output == "")            
            output = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine();            

        // Write the input file name.

        // Read up to line where program asks for output file name.
        output = "";
        while (output == "")            
            output = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine();            

        // Write the output file name.

            throw new ApplicationException("The process timed out waiting for a response.");            

    private ProcessStartInfo GetProcessStartInfo()
        var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
        startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
        startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
        startInfo.FileName = _exeFileLocation;
        startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;            
        return startInfo;


我发现如果我尝试从 C 驱动器上的某个位置运行该进程,单元测试也会失败。在下面的代码中,如果我将“dataPath”设置为硬盘位置(例如“C:\DATALOCATION”),则该过程会失败,说它无法找到输入文件。但是,如果我将配置中的“dataPath”保留为空字符串,则单元测试会自动从 TestResults 文件夹的子目录运行该过程,并且一切正常!

    public void ExeRunnerTest()
        var studyData = // populate study data here
        var writer = new StudyDataFileWriter(studyData);

        // Write input
        string fileName = writer.WriteToFile();

        // Run 
        var exeRunner = new ExeRunner(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dataPath"] + "myProcess.exe");
        exeRunner.Execute(fileName, "outputFile", 10000);

        // Read output
        IStudyOutputFileReader reader = new StudyOutputFileReader(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dataPath"] + "outputFile");
        StudyOutput output = reader.Read();

        // Tests
        Assert.AreEqual(1, output.ConsumerSummary.ConsumerTypes.Count());

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