我运行从 iOS 开发者中心下载的 SampleFTPSample 源代码(iOS6.0 SDK,Xcode4.5)。 SampleFTPSample
作为图像,当我从 ftpServer 检索列表时,有时会出现 EXC_BAD_ACCESS 错误。我没有修改代码,我不知道为什么,我该如何修复它?
我运行从 iOS 开发者中心下载的 SampleFTPSample 源代码(iOS6.0 SDK,Xcode4.5)。 SampleFTPSample
作为图像,当我从 ftpServer 检索列表时,有时会出现 EXC_BAD_ACCESS 错误。我没有修改代码,我不知道为什么,我该如何修复它?
通过在创建流后立即将 kCFStreamPropertyFTPAttemptPersistentConnection 属性设置为 false(使用 CFReadStreamCreateWithFTPURL)来执行此操作。这可能是这样的:
success = [self.networkStream setProperty:(__bridge id) kCFBooleanFalse
forKey:(__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamPropertyFTPAttemptPersistentConnection
是啊!!我终于得到了解决方案。我在主线程完成后调用了 uialertview show。所以它现在不会崩溃。这是我的情况。所以没有确切的答案,但你也可以应用这个 peterlawn。可能对您也有用。!!
- (void)_startReceive:(NSString*) urlPath
BOOL success;
NSURL * url;
CFReadStreamRef ftpStream;
assert(self.networkStream == nil); // don't tap receive twice in a row!
// First get and check the URL.
if(urlPath != nil)
...url = FTP_URL here...
success = (url != nil);
// If the URL is bogus, let the user know. Otherwise kick off the connection.
if ( ! success)
[self _updateStatus:@"Invalid URL"];
// Create the mutable data into which we will receive the listing.
self.listData = [NSMutableData data];
assert(self.listData != nil);
// Open a CFFTPStream for the URL.
ftpStream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFTPURL(NULL, (__bridge CFURLRef) url);
assert(ftpStream != NULL);
self.networkStream = (__bridge NSInputStream *) ftpStream;
success = [self.networkStream setProperty:(__bridge id) kCFBooleanFalse
forKey:(__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamPropertyFTPAttemptPersistentConnection
self.networkStream.delegate = self;
[self.networkStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[self.networkStream open];
// Have to release ftpStream to balance out the create. self.networkStream
// has retained this for our persistent use.
// Tell the UI we're receiving.
[self _receiveDidStart];