我正在开发一个大型 AngularJS 应用程序,在该应用程序中,我试图将所有 Ajax 代码封装到控制器从中获取数据的各种服务中。问题围绕需要了解任何 ajax 调用的状态并向用户显示正确的信息。可能没有找到数据、当前正在加载数据,或者发生了阻止数据加载的错误。需要向用户显示加载消息、“未找到数据”消息或错误消息。
. 理想情况下,如果有一个方法被调用getAllProjects
app.controller( "ProjectController", function( $scope, ProjectService ){
// Set the initial / default status
$scope.loadStatus = "loading";
// Return an empty array initially that will be filled with
// any data that is returned from the server
// The callback function will be executed when the ajax call is finished
$scope.projects = ProjectService.getProjects(function( status ){
// Alert the controller of a status change
setStatus( status );
function setStatus( ){
$scope.loadStatus = status;
// ... update the view or whatever is needed when the status changes....
app.service( "ProjectService", function( $resource ){
return {
getAllProjects: function(){
// ... load and return the data from the server ...