所以我正在尝试制作一个可以生成 20 个敌人的游戏。敌人应该被加载到一系列敌人中,然后游戏打算在 for 循环中将它们绘制出来,唯一的问题是NullPointerException当我尝试运行 for 循环时我不断得到一个。


enemy[i] = new Enemy(enemyX, enemyY, enemySize, vx, vy);



//define package
package auctus;

import org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer;
import org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame;
import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;

//create class
public class Auctus extends BasicGame{
    //Window dimensions and title
    public static final int WIDTH = 800;
    public static final int HEIGHT = 600;
    public static final String TITLE = "Auctus 0.1";

    //Defining the player variables, obviously only one player to create so no need for
    //automation in this area
    public float playerX, playerY, playerSize;
    //Creating the enemy array
    public Enemy enemy[];
    //declaring a global variable for the number of enemies
    public int numberOfEnemies;

    //slick2D API stuff
    public Auctus(String title) {       

    //initialisation method
    public void init(GameContainer gc) throws SlickException {          
        //setting the number of enemies
        numberOfEnemies = 20; 

        //setting the player variables dynamically each time the game is started
        playerX = (float)Math.random() * WIDTH;
        playerY = (float)Math.random() * HEIGHT;
        playerSize = (float)Math.random() * 50;

        //creating the enemies
        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEnemies; i++){           
            float enemyX = (float)Math.random() * WIDTH;
            float enemyY = (float)Math.random() * HEIGHT;
            float enemySize = (float)Math.random() * 50;
            float vx = (float)Math.random() * 2;
            float vy = (float)Math.random() * 2;

            //this is the line that's giving me trouble
            enemy[i] = new Enemy(enemyX, enemyY, enemySize, vx, vy);        

    //from here it doesn't matter, this is error free both syntactically and logically
    public void render(GameContainer gc, Graphics g) throws SlickException    {     
            drawPlayer(g, playerX, playerY, playerSize);
            for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEnemies; i++){       

    public void update(GameContainer gc, int delta) throws SlickException {     
        updatePlayer(gc, delta, playerX, playerY, playerSize);
        for(int i = 0;i < numberOfEnemies; i++){            

    public void drawPlayer(Graphics g, float playerX, float playerY, float playerSize){                 

    public void updatePlayer(GameContainer gc, int delta, float playerX, float playerY, float playerSize){

    public void updateEnemies(GameContainer gc, int delta, float enemyX, float enemyY, float enemySize, float vx, float vy){        
        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEnemies; i++){           
            enemyX += vx;
            enemyY += vy;

    public static void main(String[] args){     
            AppGameContainer app = new AppGameContainer(new Auctus(TITLE));
        } catch(SlickException e){          


package auctus;

import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;

//class declaration
public class Enemy {
    //declaring variables
    public float enemyX, enemyY, enemySize, vx, vy;

    public Enemy(float x, float y, float size, float dx, float dy){     
        enemyX = x;
        enemyY = y;
        enemySize = size;    
        vx = dx;
        vy = dy;        

    public float enemyX(){      
        return enemyY;      

    public float enemyY(){
        return enemyY;      

    public float enemySize(){       
        return enemySize;       

    public float vx(){      
        return vx;      

    public float vy(){      
        return vy;      

    public void setX(float x){      
        enemyX = x;     

    public void setY(float y){      
        enemyY = y;     

    public void setSize(float size){    
        enemySize = size;       

    public void setVX(float dx){        
        vx = dx;        

    public void setVY(float dy){        
        vy = dy;        

    public void drawEnemies(Graphics g){        
        g.fillRect(enemyX, enemyY, enemySize, enemySize);       

    public void updateEnemies(int delta){       
        if(enemyX < 800 || enemyX > 0){         
            enemyX += vx * delta;           

        if(enemyX > 800 || enemyX < 0){         
            vx = -vx;           

        if(enemyY < 600 || enemyY > 0){         
            enemyY += vy * delta;           

        if(enemyY > 600 || enemyY < 0){         
            vy = - vy;          

敌人等级非常简单。我不明白为什么它会变成 a NullPointerException,但也许其他人可以发现它。



1 回答 1



在某些时候,在你使用 enemy之前,你需要一些类似的东西:enemy = new Enemy[numEnemies];. 您可以在声明中执行此操作:

// use a constant for the number of enemies:
public static final int NUM_ENEMIES = 20; 
Enemy enemy[] = new Enemy[NUM_ENEMIES];

否则,因为enemynull- 因为你没有实例化它 -NullPointerException当你尝试索引它时你会得到一个。

于 2012-09-24T21:33:28.620 回答