在网站上提供指向 PDF 文件的链接时,是否可以在 URL(请求参数)中包含信息,这将使 PDF 浏览器插件(如果使用)跳转到特定的书签,而不仅仅是在开头打开?

像:http ://www.somehost.com/user-guide.pdf?bookmark=chapter3 ?


我假设如果有答案,它可能特定于 Adob​​e 的 PDF 阅读器插件或其他东西,并且可能有版本限制,但我最感兴趣的是该技术是否存在。


5 回答 5


是的,您可以按编号或指定位置链接到特定页面,如果用户的浏览器使用 Adob​​e Reader 作为查看 PDF 文件的插件,这将始终有效。


<a href="http://www.domain.com/file.pdf#page=3">Link text</a>


<a href="http://www.domain.com/file.pdf#nameddest=TOC">Link text</a>

要使用 Acrobat 在 PDF 中创建目标:

  1. 手动浏览 PDF 以找到所需位置
  2. 转到视图 > 导航选项卡 > 目的地
  3. 在选项下,选择扫描文档
  4. 完成后,从选项菜单中选择新目的地并输入适当的名称
于 2008-09-24T06:09:55.187 回答

RFC 3778 第 3 节指定可用于 PDF 文件的“片段标识符”,其中包括 nameddest 和 page。

于 2008-09-24T07:16:16.480 回答



| Syntax                  | Description                                                                                  | Example                                              |
| nameddest=destination   | Specifies a named destination in the PDF document                                            | http://example.org/doc.pdf#Chapter6                  |
| page=pagenum            | Specifies a numbered page in the document, using an integer                                  | http://example.org/doc.pdf#page=3                    |
|                         | value. The document’s first page has a pagenum value of 1.                                   |                                                      |
| comment=commentID       | Specifies a comment on a given page in the PDF document. Use                                 | #page=1&comment=452fde0e-fd22-457c-84aa-             |
|                         | the page command before this command.                                                        | 2cf5bed5a349                                         |
| collab=setting          | Sets the comment repository to be used to supply and store                                   | #collab=DAVFDF@http://review_server/Collab           |
|                         | comments for the document. This overrides the default comment                                | /user1                                               |
|                         | server for the review or the default preference. The setting is of the                       |                                                      |
|                         | form store_type@location, where valid values for store_type are:                             |                                                      |
|                         | ● DAVFDF (WebDAV)                                                                            |                                                      |
|                         | ● FSFDF (Network folder)                                                                     |                                                      |
|                         | ● DB (ADBC)                                                                                  |                                                      |
| zoom=scale              | Sets the zoom and scroll factors, using float or integer values. For                         | http://example.org/doc.pdf#page=3&zoom=200,250,100   |
| zoom=scale,left,top     | example, a scale value of 100 indicates a zoom value of 100%.                                |                                                      |
|                         | Scroll values left and top are in a coordinate system where 0,0                              |                                                      |
|                         | represents the top left corner of the visible page, regardless of                            |                                                      |
|                         | document rotation                                                                            |                                                      |
| view=Fit                | Set the view of the displayed page, using the keyword values                                 | http://example.org/doc.pdf#page=72&view=fitH,100     |
| view=FitH               | defined in the PDF language specification. For more information,                             |                                                      |
| view=FitH,top           | see the PDF Reference.                                                                       |                                                      |
| view=FitV               | Scroll values left and top are floats or integers in a coordinate                            |                                                      |
| view=FitV,left          | system where 0,0 represents the top left corner of the visible                               |                                                      |
| view=FitB               | page, regardless of document rotation.                                                       |                                                      |
| view=FitBH              | Use the page command before this command.                                                    |                                                      |
| view=FitBH,top          |                                                                                              |                                                      |
| view=FitBV              |                                                                                              |                                                      |
| view=FitBV,left         |                                                                                              |                                                      |
| viewrect=left,top,wd,ht | Sets the view rectangle using float or integer values in a                                   |                                                      |
|                         | coordinate system where 0,0 represents the top left corner of the                            |                                                      |
|                         | visible page, regardless of document rotation.                                               |                                                      |
|                         | Use the page command before this command.                                                    |                                                      |
| pagemode=bookmarks      | Displays bookmarks or thumbnails.                                                            | http://example.org/doc.pdf#pagemode=bookmarks&page=2 |
| pagemode=thumbs         |                                                                                              |                                                      |
| pagemode=none           |                                                                                              |                                                      |
| scrollbar=1|0           | Turns scrollbars on or off                                                                   |                                                      |
| search=wordList         | Opens the Search panel and performs a search for any of thewords in the specified word list. | #search="word1 word2"                                |
|                         | The first matching word ishighlighted in the document.                                       |                                                      |
|                         | The words must be enclosed in quotation marks and separated byspaces.                        |                                                      |
|                         | You can search only for single words. You cannot search for a string of words.               |                                                      |
| toolbar=1|0             | Turns the toolbar on or off.                                                                 |                                                      |
| statusbar=1|0           | Turns the status bar on or off.                                                              |                                                      |
| messages=1|0            | Turns the document message bar on or off.                                                    |                                                      |
| navpanes=1|0            | Turns the navigation panes and tabs on or off.                                               |                                                      |
| highlight=lt,rt,top,btm | Highlights a specified rectangle on the displayed page. Use the                              |                                                      |
|                         | page command before this command.                                                            |                                                      |
|                         | The rectangle values are integers in a coordinate system where                               |                                                      |
|                         | 0,0 represents the top left corner of the visible page, regardless of                        |                                                      |
|                         | document rotation                                                                            |                                                      |
| fdf=URL                 | Specifies an FDF file to populate form fields in the PDF file beingopened.                   | #fdf=http://example.org/doc.fdf                      |
|                         | Note: The fdf parameter should be specified last in a URL.                                   |                                                      |
于 2016-06-27T08:44:24.873 回答


  • Chrome(自 2011 年第 14 版以来,请参阅本期了解详细信息)(在第 87 版和第 44 版上测试),
  • Firefox(在 v. 84.0.1 和 v. 40 上测试),
  • Opera(在第 73 节和第 31 节测试),
  • Safari(在 v. 14.0.2 上测试,在 v. 8 上不起作用),

(更新为截至 2021 年 1 月的当前版本。)

于 2015-08-27T20:22:08.403 回答

PDF Open Parameters记录了您可以使用的可用 URL 片段。

于 2015-05-21T18:44:38.093 回答