
我通过将一个点数组从引擎传递给角色的 followPath 函数来做到这一点(这将是一个循环,但我还没有到那个阶段)。

这个 followPath 函数的一部分是检测角色何时足够接近航点,然后移动到下一个。为此,我尝试使用 Point.distance(p1,p2) 来计算当前选择的航点与代表角色当前位置的点之间的距离。

这就是我遇到这个问题的地方。尝试更新角色的当前 (x,y) 点位置被证明是困难的。出于某种原因,Point.setTo 函数似乎不存在,尽管它在文档中。结果,我正在使用

        currentPos.x = x;
        currentPos.y = y;
        //update current position point x and y

尝试这样做,这就是我的 1009 错误的来源。

到目前为止,这是我的完整 Character 课程:

package  {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.geom.Point;

public class Character extends MovieClip {

    public var charType:String;
    private var charList:Array = ["oldguy","cloudhead","tvhead","fatguy","speakerhead"];
    private var numChars:int = charList.length;
    private var wpIndex:int = 0;
    private var waypoint:Point;
    private var currentPos:Point;
    private var wpDist:Number;
    private var moveSpeed:Number = 5;

    //frame labels we will need: charType+["_walkingfront", "_walkingside", "_walkingback", "_touchon", "_touchonreaction", "_sitting"/"_idle", "_reaction1", "_reaction2", "_reaction3", "_reaction4"]

    public function Character() {
        trace("new character:");
        charType = charList[Math.floor(Math.random()*(numChars))];
        //chooses a random character type based on a random number from 0-'numchars'
        trace("char type: " + charType);


        x = 600;
        y = 240;

    public function followPath(path:Array):void {
        if(wpIndex > path.length){ //if the path has been finished
            gotoAndStop(charType+"_sitting"); //sit down

        waypoint = path[wpIndex];
        //choose the selected waypoint
        currentPos.x = x;
        currentPos.y = y;
        //update current position point x and y

        wpDist = Point.distance(currentPos,waypoint);
        //calculate distance

        if(wpDist < 3){ //if the character is close enough to the waypoint
            wpIndex++; //go to the next waypoint
            return; //stop for now

    public function moveTo(wp:Point):void {
        if(wp.x > currentPos.x){
            currentPos.x += moveSpeed;
        } else if(wp.x < currentPos.x){
            currentPos.x -= moveSpeed;

        if(wp.y > currentPos.y){
            currentPos.y += moveSpeed;
        } else if(wp.y < currentPos.y){
            currentPos.y -= moveSpeed;




我也很好奇是否有人可以提供有关为什么我不能使用幻像 Point.setTo 方法的信息。


2 回答 2


您正在尝试分配不存在的 Point 对象的 x 和 y 属性。


currentPos = new Point ();

然后分配 x 和 y

于 2012-09-24T08:30:44.703 回答

问题是您没有首先使用 Point 构造函数。当您创建一个不是简单数据类型(Int、Number、String ...)的变量时,您必须首先调用构造函数,然后才将属性分配给对象的字段。这是因为您必须在访问它的属性之前初始化 Point 类的实例。任何其他类也是如此。


“在面向对象的编程中,类中的构造函数(有时缩写为 ctor)是一种特殊类型的子例程,在创建对象时调用。它准备新对象以供使用..”

基本上,您没有准备新的 Point 对象。


public function Character() {
        //add these lines (you can omit the zeroes as the default value is zero)
        //I added the zeroes to show that the constructor can set the initial values.
        wayPoint = new Point(0, 0);
        currentPos = new Point(0, 0);
        trace("new character:");
        charType = charList[Math.floor(Math.random()*(numChars))];
        //chooses a random character type based on a random number from 0-'numchars'
        trace("char type: " + charType);


        x = 600;
        y = 240;

记住每个新的对象标识符都引用 NULL(什么都没有),直到你构造一个对象或做这样的事情

var pointA = pointB;
//where pointB is already not null
//You can also check this
if(currentPos != null)
   currentPos.x = X;
   currentPos.y = Y;

如果您首先使用构造函数,则 currentPos 不会为空。


于 2012-09-24T08:39:10.597 回答