public class TestReceipts {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new TestReceipts();
public TestReceipts() {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
} catch (InstantiationException ex) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
} catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Bill me");
frame.setSize(600, 400);
frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
frame.add(new ReceiptPane());
protected class ReceiptPane extends JPanel {
private JTextArea textArea;
public ReceiptPane() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
textArea = new JTextArea();
add(new JScrollPane(textArea));
List<Item> lstItems = new ArrayList<Item>(25);
lstItems.add(new Item("Cakes", 1.5d, 5));
lstItems.add(new Item("Cakes with cream", 2d, 5));
lstItems.add(new Item("Cakes with chocolate", 2d, 5));
lstItems.add(new Item("Cakes with chocolate & cream", 2.5d, 5));
lstItems.add(new Item("Diet Coke (Can)", 2.5d, 5));
generateReceipt(lstItems, 100d);
protected void generateReceipt(List<Item> lstItems, double amountTendered) {
List<List<String>> lstRows = new ArrayList<List<String>>(25);
int totalQty = 0;
double subTotal = 0;
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
for (Item item : lstItems) {
String unit = nf.format(item.getUnitCost());
String total = nf.format(item.getUnitCost() * item.getQty());
subTotal += item.getUnitCost() * item.getQty();
int maxWidth = 60;
int qtyWidth = 4;
int unitWidth = 8;
int totalWidth = 8;
int descWidth = maxWidth - qtyWidth - unitWidth - totalWidth;
StringBuilder sbHeader = new StringBuilder(maxWidth);
sbHeader.append("Qty ");
sbHeader.append(fillWith("Item", " ", descWidth));
sbHeader.append(padWith("Cost", " ", unitWidth));
sbHeader.append(padWith(" Total", " ", totalWidth));
textArea.append(sbHeader.toString() + "\n");
for (List<String> row : lstRows) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(maxWidth);
sb.append(padWith(row.get(0), " ", 3));
sb.append(" ");
String desc = row.get(1);
if (desc.length() > descWidth) {
desc = desc.substring(0, descWidth);
sb.append(fillWith(desc, ".", descWidth));
sb.append(padWith(row.get(2), " ", unitWidth));
sb.append(padWith(row.get(3), " ", totalWidth));
textArea.append(sb.toString() + "\n");
textArea.append(padWith("Sub-total " + padWith(nf.format(subTotal), " ", totalWidth), " ", maxWidth) + "\n");
double tax = subTotal * 0.1d;
textArea.append(padWith("Tax " + padWith(nf.format(tax), " ", totalWidth), " ", maxWidth) + "\n");
double total = tax + subTotal;
textArea.append(padWith("Total " + padWith(nf.format(total), " ", totalWidth), " ", maxWidth) + "\n");
textArea.append(padWith("Total " + padWith(nf.format(amountTendered), " ", totalWidth), " ", maxWidth) + "\n");
double change = amountTendered - total;
textArea.append(padWith("Change " + padWith(nf.format(change), " ", totalWidth), " ", maxWidth) + "\n");
protected List<String> createRow(String... columns) {
return Arrays.asList(columns);
public static String fillWith(String sValue, int width) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(width);
for (int index = 0; index < width; index++) {
return sb.toString();
public static String fillWith(String sValue, String fill, int width) {
return sValue + fillWith(fill, width - sValue.length());
public static String pad(int iValue, int iMinLength) {
return pad(Integer.toString(iValue), iMinLength);
public static String pad(String sValue, int iMinLength) {
return padWith(sValue, "0", iMinLength);
public static String padWith(String value, String padding, int iMinLength) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(iMinLength);
while (sb.length() < iMinLength) {
sb.insert(0, padding);
return sb.toString();
protected class Item {
private String description;
private double unitCost;
private int qty;
public Item(String description, double unitCost, int qty) {
this.description = description;
this.unitCost = unitCost;
this.qty = qty;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public double getUnitCost() {
return unitCost;
public int getQty() {
return qty;