我设置了一个消息框,如果“总费用”和“总积分”框为空白,它将显示“请输入 .... 的数值”。问题是当我运行它并输入一个空白时,会出现消息然后程序崩溃。
崩溃后,该程序然后以黄色突出显示特定的转换代码(在这种情况下:decTotalCharges = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTotalCharges.Text))
并且错误显示Input string was not in correct format
Public Class frmEndingBalance
'Declare module level variables
Dim mdecEndingBalance As Decimal
Dim mdecAllCharges As Decimal
Dim mdecAllCredits As Decimal
Dim mintCustomersOverLimit As Integer
Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
'clears the form
'clears the labels
txtAccountNumber.Text = ""
txtBeginningBalance.Text = ""
txtTotalCharges.Text = ""
txtTotalCredits.Text = ""
txtCreditLimit.Text = ""
lblEndingBalance.Text = ""
lblCreditMessage.Text = ""
lblAllCharges.Text = ""
lblAllCredits.Text = ""
lblCustomersOverLimit.Text = ""
lblCreditMessage.Text = ""
'clear the textboxes
'clear module level variables
mdecEndingBalance = 0
mdecAllCharges = 0
mdecAllCredits = 0
mintCustomersOverLimit = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
'Declare Variables
Dim intAccountNumber As Integer
Dim intBeginningBalance As Integer
Dim decTotalCharges As Decimal
Dim decTotalCredits As Decimal
Dim decCreditLimit As Decimal
Dim mdecEndingBalance As Decimal 'Beginning Balance + Charges - Credits()
Dim decCreditMessage As Decimal
'check for numeric
If IsNumeric(txtAccountNumber.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("You can't enter anything blank!")
Exit Sub
End If
'convert to a numeric data type
intAccountNumber = Convert.ToInt32(txtAccountNumber.Text)
'check for numeric
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBeginningBalance.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("Beginning Balance Cannot Be Blank!")
'check for everything else
If IsNumeric(txtBeginningBalance.Text) = False Then 'Value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Beginning Balance!")
Exit Sub
End If
'convert to a numeric data type
intBeginningBalance = Convert.ToInt32(txtBeginningBalance.Text)
'check for numeric
If IsNumeric(txtTotalCharges.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Total Charges!")
End If
decTotalCharges = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTotalCharges.Text)
'check for 0 or positive
If decTotalCharges < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for number of Total Charges!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for numeric
If IsNumeric(txtTotalCredits.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Total Credits")
End If
'convert to a numeric data type
decTotalCredits = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTotalCredits.Text)
'check for 0 or positive
If decTotalCredits < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for total credits!")
End If
'check numeric
If IsNumeric(txtCreditLimit.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for the Credit Limit!")
End If
'convert to a numeric data type
decCreditLimit = Convert.ToDecimal(txtCreditLimit.Text)
'check for a 0 or positive
If decCreditLimit < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Credit Limit!")
End If
'check for customers over limit
decCreditMessage = decCreditLimit - (mdecEndingBalance)
'running totals
mdecAllCharges += decTotalCharges
mdecAllCredits += decTotalCredits
'calculate Ending Balance
mdecEndingBalance = Convert.ToDecimal(intBeginningBalance + decTotalCharges - (decTotalCredits))
'display outputs
lblEndingBalance.Text = mdecEndingBalance.ToString("c")
lblAllCharges.Text = mdecAllCharges.ToString("c")
lblAllCredits.Text = mdecAllCredits.ToString("c")
lblCustomersOverLimit.Text = mintCustomersOverLimit.ToString("n0")
End Class