I have this code that executes a Stored Procedure mapped via EF EDM.

meTest<MCTEntities, ObjectResult<retrieveMedia_Result>>(u => u.retrieveMedia(campaign_id: 1), ConnectionResolver.MCT_DB_Connection);

The method:

public static TValue meTest<U, TValue>(Func<U, TValue> func, String connection)
            where U : ObjectContext, new()
            using (U entitiesContext = (U)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(U), new[] { connection }))
                return func(entitiesContext);

The issue is that retrieveMedia returns ObjectResult<retrieveMedia_Result> and this is done with deferred execution that results in error: Calling 'Read' when the data reader is closed is not a valid operation.

Now, I know that I can call ToList() or ToArray(), but is there any other way to force immediate execution?

I am not sure that casting ObjectResult<retrieveMedia_Result> to List<retrieveMedia_Result> is the right thing to do.


2 回答 2


ToList 和 ToArray 都枚举了导致执行查询的集合。AsEnumrable 完成了查询构建(即您不能再向查询添加位),但在枚举集合之前它不会实际执行。


于 2012-09-23T19:38:38.413 回答

当上下文被释放时,您将不得不添加ToArray()ToList()防止对结果进行迭代。投射到 aList<T>将无济于事:这甚至是不可能的。


于 2012-09-23T19:58:33.573 回答