I am new to Sphinx 4. I have been reading about Sphinx 4 and have to implement it as a part of the project. I am building upon HelloNGram model. To improve accuracy I wish to include a language model I downloaded from http://www.keithv.com/software/giga/ I have downloaded 64k NVP 3 gram.

I see these following files in the zip archive lm_giga_64k_nvp.hdecode.dic lm_giga_64k_nvp.hvite.dic lm_giga_64k_nvp.sphinx.dic lm_giga_64k_nvp.sphinx.filler lm_giga_64k_nvp_3gram.arpa phonelist wlist_giga_64k_nvp wlist_giga_64k_nvp_start_end

I want to integrate it in HelloNGram. How do I go about doing this? Please explain all the steps. I am very new to sphinx 4! Or if there is any other model you would suggest and can instruct as to how to integrate it in my project... Thanks!


1 回答 1


步骤 1. 使用 sphinxbase 中的 sphinx_lm_convert 将 lm_giga_64k_nvp_3gram.arpa 转换为 DMP 格式。

步骤 2. 在配置文件中将语言模型组件的类型从 SimpleNGramModel 更改为 LargeTrigramModel

步骤 3. 更新组件属性以加载转换后的 DMP 文件

要了解有关 Sphinx4 的更多信息,请阅读教程



于 2012-09-23T21:50:33.963 回答