
class Program
    static List<Marble> marbles = new List<Marble> { 
        new Marble {Color = "Red", Size = 3},
        new Marble {Color = "Green", Size = 4},
        new Marble {Color = "Black", Size = 6}

    static void Main()
        var search1 = new Marble { Color = "Green" };
        var search2 = new Marble { Size = 6 };
        var results = SearchMarbles(search1);

    public static IEnumerable<Marble> SearchMarbles(Marble search)
        var results = from marble in marbles
                      //where ???
                      //Search for marbles with whatever property matches the populated properties of the parameter
                      //In this example it would return just the 'Green' marble
                      select marble;
        return results;

    public class Marble
        public string Color { get; set; }
        public int Size { get; set; }


7 回答 7



var properties = typeof (Marble).GetProperties().Where(p =>
                    var pType = p.PropertyType;
                    var defaultValue = pType.IsValueType 
                            ? Activator.CreateInstance(pType) : null;

                    var recentValue = p.GetValue(search);

                    return !recentValue.Equals(defaultValue);

然后你可以使用 LINQAll来过滤:

var results = marbles.Where(m => 
                         properties.All(p => 
                         typeof (Marble).GetProperty(p.Name)
                                        .GetValue(m) == p.GetValue(search)));


于 2012-09-23T17:44:26.690 回答

You can use a separate Filter class like this:

class Filter
    public string PropertyName { get; set; }
    public object PropertyValue { get; set; }

    public bool Matches(Marble m)
        var T = typeof(Marble);
        var prop = T.GetProperty(PropertyName);
        var value = prop.GetValue(m);
        return value.Equals(PropertyValue);

You can use this Filter as follows:

var filters = new List<Filter>();
filters.Add(new Filter() { PropertyName = "Color", PropertyValue = "Green" });

//this is essentially the content of SearchMarbles()
var result = marbles.Where(m => filters.All(f => f.Matches(m)));

foreach (var r in result)
    Console.WriteLine(r.Color + ", " + r.Size);

You could use DependencyProperties to get rid of typing the property name.

于 2012-09-23T17:21:08.573 回答

我将提出适用于任意数量的属性和任何对象的通用解决方案。它也可以在 Linq-To-Sql 上下文中使用——它可以很好地转换为 sql。


static public bool IsDefault(object o)
    return o == null || o.GetType().IsValueType && Activator.CreateInstance(o.GetType()).Equals(o);

然后,我们将有一个函数构造一个 Lambda 表达式,并针对search对象中所有设置属性的值进行测试:

static public Expression<Func<T, bool>> GetComparison<T>(T search)
    var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");

    var props = from p in typeof(T).GetProperties()
                where p.CanRead && !IsDefault(p.GetValue(search, null))
                select Expression.Equal(
                    Expression.Property(param, p.Name),
                    Expression.Constant(p.GetValue(search, null))

    var expr = props.Aggregate((a, b) => Expression.AndAlso(a, b));
    var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(expr, param);         
    return lambda;


public static IEnumerable<Marble> SearchMarbles (Marble search)
    var results = marbles.AsQueryable().Where(GetComparison(search));
    return results.AsEnumerable();
于 2012-09-23T22:47:33.037 回答

您可以在 Marbles 类中覆盖 equals

public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var other = obj as Marble;

        if (null == other) return false;

        return other.Color == this.color && other.size == this.size; // (etc for your other porperties


return marbles.Where(m => search == m);
于 2012-09-23T17:01:51.137 回答

假设如果属性具有默认值(即Color == nullSize == 0),则该属性未填充:

var results = from marble in marbles
              where (marble.Color == search.Color || search.Color == null)
                 && (marble.Size == search.Size || search.Size == 0)
              select marble;
于 2012-09-23T16:52:00.443 回答

If you want to avoid targeting specific properties, you could use reflection. Start by defining a function that returns the default value of a type (see here for a simple solution, and here for something more elaborate).

Then, you can write a method on the Marble class, which takes an instance of Marble as a filter:

public bool MatchesSearch(Marble search) {
    var t = typeof(Marble);
    return !(
        from prp in t.GetProperties()
        //get the value from the search instance
        let searchValue = prp.GetValue(search, null)
        //check if the search value differs from the default
        where searchValue != GetDefaultValue(prp.PropertyType) &&
              //and if it differs from the current instance
              searchValue != prp.GetValue(this, null)
        select prp

Then, the SearchMarbles becomes:

public static IEnumerable<Marble> SearchMarbles(Marble search) {
        from marble in marbles
        where marble.MatchesSearch(search)
        select marble;
于 2012-09-23T17:52:45.267 回答


将跳过任何未填写的属性(引用类型为空,值类型为默认值)。如果它找到两个不匹配的已填写属性,则返回 false。如果所有填写的属性都相等,则返回 true。

IsPartialMatch(object m1, object m2)
    PropertyInfo[] properties = m1.GetType().GetProperties();
    foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
        object v1 = property.GetValue(m1, null);
        object v2 = property.GetValue(m2, null);
        object defaultValue = GetDefault(property.PropertyType);

        if (v1.Equals(defaultValue) continue;
        if (v2.Equals(defaultVAlue) continue;
        if (!v1.Equals(v2)) return false;

    return true;


public static IEnumerable<Marble> SearchMarbles(Marble search)
    return marbles.Where(m => IsPartialMatch(m, search))

GetDefault() 是这篇文章中的方法,相当于 default(Type)

于 2012-09-23T17:31:46.660 回答