我正在使用 ActionBar 等将我的 Android 应用程序切换到更“合适”的 UX。我一直在尝试确定最佳/推荐的导航样式是什么。

我的应用程序有 5 个活动,我目前使用菜单/溢出菜单在它们之间切换。

我的应用程序有 1 个主屏幕,用户将大部分时间都花在上面。用户需要一种导航到其他活动的方法,但它们都没有真正相互关联。它们更像是用户在需要进行一些维护时会访问的实用程序屏幕。

我正在阅读这个链接:http: //developer.android.com/design/patterns/actionbar.html


Use a spinner in the main action bar if:

You don't want to give up the vertical screen real estate for a dedicated tab bar.
The user is switching between views of the same data set (for example: calendar events   viewed by day, week, or month) or data sets of the same type (such as content for two different accounts).

然后我打算使用 ActionBar 选项卡,但它说这更适合在经常使用的项目之间滑动:

Use tabs if:

You expect your app's users to switch views frequently.
You want the user to be highly aware of the alternate views.





1 回答 1


我决定按照这里使用侧抽屉:http: //developer.android.com/design/patterns/actionbar.html

Open a drawer from the main action bar if:

You want to provide direct navigation to a number of views within your app which don't have direct relationships between each other.
于 2012-09-26T23:36:54.753 回答