我正在尝试运行与 smartfoxserver2x 下载捆绑在一起的“连接器”示例。它连接到服务器并加载正确的配置文件。当我在 adobe flash 专业版 5 中运行它时,它运行正确并连接到服务器,但在作为 SWF 电影发布后,它不起作用。它加载配置文件但无法连接并给出错误连接失败..错误 2048

这是我正在谈论的例子。 http://docs2x.smartfoxserver.com/ExamplesFlash/connector


1 回答 1


2048 is a Security error. You probably just need to place your SWF in a trusted location. You can do that through the Flash Global Settings in the right-click menu, or via this web form: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html

It's usually best to create a folder containing all of your Flash projects and just give that directory permission, so you don't have to think about it again.

于 2012-09-23T14:06:47.970 回答