Create procedure count_loop( p_start int, 
                               p_stop int,
                               p_step int unsigned, 
                               p_delim varchar(5))
declare v_start int ;
declare v_stop int ;
declare v_step int ;
declare v_sign int;
declare v_sum int;

-- check p_start
case p_start
when null then
    set v_start := 1;
    set v_start := p_start;
end case;

-- check p_stop
case p_stop
when null then
    set v_stop := 10;
    set v_stop := p_stop;
end case;

-- check p_stop
case p_step
when null then
    set v_step := 1;
when 0 then
    set v_step := 1;
    set v_step := p_step;
end case;

-- set v_sign as v_stop - v_start 
set v_sign := (v_stop - v_start) ;

-- if v_sign and v_step are negative, 
-- then run while loop
when v_sign < 0 and v_step < 0 then
    while v_start > v_stop then
        set v_start = v_start + v_step ; 
        select v_start as 'The Loop Output';
        set v_step = v_step - 1;
    end while;
-- if both v_sign and v_step are positive 
-- then run loop
when v_sign > 0 and v_step > 0 then
    while v_start > v_stop then
        set v_start := v_start + v_step ; 
        select v_start as 'The Loop Output';
        set v_step := v_step + 1;
    end while; 
-- if v_sign and v_step are different signs
-- terminate loop
when v_sign > 0 and v_step < 0 then
    select 'Loop collapsed' as 'The Loop Output' ; 
when v_sign < 0 and v_step > 0 then
    select 'Loop collapsed' as 'The Loop Output' ;
end case ;



set v_start = v_start + v_step ; 
        select v_start as 'The Loop Output';
        set v_step = v_step - 1;

因此,我删除了包含该内容的两个 when 语句并运行了我的代码。没有错误。但现在我不确定下一步该做什么。我看不出有什么需要纠正的。有什么建议么?谢谢你。


1 回答 1


您的错误位于while v_start > v_stop then您发布的代码段的右上方。它应该改为阅读while v_start > v_stop do。(实际上,您在几个地方都有它;检查每个while语句。)

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于 2012-09-23T05:27:16.850 回答