刚从 Flask 开始,跟着http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/views/
假设我有一个基本的 REST api,在这种情况下用于症状:
GET - list
POST - create
GET - detail
PUT - replace
PATCH - patch
DELETE - delete
我可以使用 Flask 非常干净地实现这一点MethodView
from flask import Blueprint, request, g
from flask.views import MethodView
mod = Blueprint('api', __name__, url_prefix='/api')
class SymptomAPI(MethodView):
""" ... """
url = "/symptoms/"
def get(self, uid):
if uid is None:
return self.list()
return self.detail(uid)
def list(self):
# ...
def post(self):
# ...
def detail(self, uid):
# ...
def put(self, uid):
# ...
def patch(self, uid):
# ...
def delete(self, uid):
# ...
def register(cls, mod):
symfunc = cls.as_view("symptom_api")
mod.add_url_rule(cls.url, defaults={"uid": None}, view_func=symfunc,
mod.add_url_rule(cls.url, view_func=symfunc, methods=["POST"])
mod.add_url_rule('%s<int:uid>' % cls.url, view_func=symfunc,
methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])
但是,假设我想在这些个别症状上附加另一个 api:
GET - list diags for symptom
POST - {id: diagid} - create relation with diagnosis
GET - probability symptom given diag
PUT - update probability of symptom given diag
DELETE - remove diag - symptom relation
然后我将有 4 个 GET 而不是上面的两个。
- 你认为这是一个糟糕的 api 设计吗?
适合这种设计吗?(如果设计还不错)- 您将如何实施这些路线?