I'm pretty new to Haskell, and I'm having a little trouble. I'm trying to implement a function that takes a list, and an int. the int is supposed to be the index k at which the list is split into a pair of lists. The first one containing the first k elements of the list, and the second from k+1 to the last element. Here's what I have so far:

split :: [a] -> Int -> ([a], [a])
split [] k = error "Empty list!"
split (x:[]) k = ([x],[])
split xs k | k >= (length xs) = error "Number out of range!"
           | k < 0 = error "Number out of range!"

I can't actually figure out how to do the split. Any help would be appreciated.


5 回答 5


首先,请注意您尝试构建的函数已经在标准库中,在Prelude- 它被称为splitAt. 现在,直接看它的定义是令人困惑的,因为有两种算法,一种根本不使用标准递归结构splitAt n xs = (take n xs, drop n xs)- 一种是手动优化的,使它变得丑陋。前者更直观,因为您只需将前缀和后缀放在一对中。然而,后者教导更多,并具有以下整体结构:

splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt 0 xs     = ([], xs)
splitAt _ []     = ([], [])
splitAt n (x:xs) = (x:xs', xs'')
    (xs', xs'') = splitAt (n - 1) xs

基本思想是,如果一个列表由一个头和一个尾组成(它的形式是x:xs),那么从索引 k+1 开始的列表将与从 k 开始的列表相同第一个元素 - drop (k + 1) (x : xs) == drop k xs。要构造前缀,您同样删除第一个元素,取一个较小的前缀,然后将元素重新粘贴到 - 上take (k + 1) (x : xs) == x : take k xs

于 2012-09-22T02:26:43.697 回答


splitAt' = \n -> \xs -> (take n xs, drop n xs)


> splitAt' 3 [1..10]
> ([1,2,3],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10])

> splitAt' 0 [1..10]
> ([],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])

> splitAt' 3 []
> ([],[])

> splitAt' 11 [1..10]
> ([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[])

> splitAt' 2 "haskell"
> ("ha","skell")
于 2012-09-24T23:30:06.467 回答

在构建列表时摆脱二次行为的一个常见技巧是向后构建它,然后反转它,修改 Mark Reed 的解决方案:

split xs k | k < 0 = error "Number out of range!"
split xs k = (reverse a, b)
    (a,b) = ssplit [] xs k

ssplit p xs 0 = (p, xs)
ssplit p (x:xs) k = ssplit (x:p) xs (k-1)
ssplit p [] k = error "Number out of range!"

ssplit 中的错误检查很好,因为除非存在实际错误,否则不会检查(早期模式之一将匹配)。

在实践中,您可能希望向 ssplit 添加一些严格性注释以管理堆栈增长,但这是进一步的改进。

于 2012-09-24T10:51:11.323 回答

基本上,您需要某种方式在递归列表时传递部分进度。我使用了第二个接受累加器参数的函数;它从 split 中调用,然后递归调用自身。几乎可以肯定有更好的方法..

编辑:删除了所有长度检查。但我相信使用++意味着它仍然是 O(n^2)。

split xs k | k < 0 = error "Number out of range!"
split xs k = ssplit [] xs k

ssplit p xs 0 = (p, xs)
ssplit p (x:xs) k = ssplit (p++[x]) xs (k-1)
ssplit p [] k = error "Number out of range!"


ssplit p [] k = (p,[])


于 2012-09-22T02:21:12.233 回答


ghci> :t flip splitAt
flip splitAt :: [a] -> Int -> ([a], [a])
ghci> flip splitAt  ['a'..'j'] 5
于 2012-09-22T02:29:59.737 回答