我的具体目标是为迭代创建所有测试用例的列表。我最初的方法是创建一个类型为 Test Case 的纸板并使用具有 WorkProduct.Iteration 属性的过滤器。这似乎不起作用,WorkProduct.Iteration.Name 也不起作用。(使用与 WorkProduct.Description 之类的过滤器相同的代码正在工作,所以问题似乎是我为过滤器属性指定的问题。)

所以问题 #1 是:我如何获得给定迭代的所有测试用例(当每个测试用例分配给一个用户故事,并且每个用户故事都分配给迭代时)?我应该在配置中使用上下文语句而不是过滤器吗?我应该使用其他容器吗?

问题 #2 是:一般来说,是否可以使用 WorkProduct.Iteration.Name 之类的东西作为过滤器属性来访问您要显示的类型的子元素的子元素的值?



1 回答 1


In this case you'll get back this error from web services:

"Could not parse: Could not traverse to \"Iteration\" on type Artifact in the query segment \"WorkProduct.Iteration\""

This is due to the fact that in Rally's data model the WorkProduct associated with a testcase may be any artifact (not necessarily a schedulable one).

The general way to get this data would be to first query for all the stories in a given iteration and include the TestCases and any fields on TestCase in the fetch.

Unfortunately in the current preview edition of the SDK 2.0 the CardBoard component doesn't yet support supplying custom pre-queried data. This feature should be included in the GA though.

于 2012-09-24T14:30:15.323 回答