嗨,我正在尝试制作 Google+ 风格的相册。我相当成功。但奇怪的事实是,代码在 Chrome 中运行缓慢,但在 Firefox 中运行良好。在 Chrome 中,图片加载速度很慢,相册图像(jquery 部分)的旋转速度很慢。这是我的代码...

 $query="SELECT album_id,album_name from albums WHERE user_id='18'";//user id
$query2="SELECT image_id,ext from images WHERE album_id='$album_id'";
echo "<div class='image_stack' style='margin-left:",$k,"px'>";//create a album of images
    //$str="<img id='photo.$j' class='stackphotos' src='uploads/.$album_id./.$image_id.$image_ext' />";

    echo "<img id='photo$j' class='stackphotos' style='left: $left; top:$top ;' src='uploads/$album_id/$image_id.$image_ext' />";   

 echo "</div>";

这是我的 jquery 部分...

$(document).ready(function() {
$('.image_stack').delegate('img', 'mouseenter', function() {//when user hover mouse on image with div id=stackphotos
        //if ($(this).hasClass('stackphotos')) {//
        // the class stackphotos is not really defined in css , it is only assigned to each images in the photo stack to trigger the mouseover effect on  these photos only
        var parent = $(this).parent();
        var index=parent.index()-1;
        var num_of_image_per_album=<?php echo json_encode($num_of_image_per_album);?>;
        var num_of_image_for_specific_album=num_of_image_per_album[index];
      //  alert( num_of_image_for_specific_album);
        var i=0;
        var degree=0;

            parent.find('img#photo'+i).css({'-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)'});
            parent.find('img#photo'+i).css({ '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)'});


.delegate('img', 'mouseleave', function() {// when user removes cursor from the image stack
var parent = $(this).parent();
var index=parent.index()-1;
var num_of_image_per_album=<?php echo json_encode($num_of_image_per_album);?>;
var num_of_image_for_specific_album=num_of_image_per_album[index];


     parent.find('img#photo'+i).css( {'-webkit-transform':''});
        parent.find('img#photo'+i).css({ '-moz-transform': ''});



我正在使用 16.0.912.77 版本的 Crome。这在 safari 中也很慢。这是什么问题。请告诉我。提前谢谢......


1 回答 1


你检查过 chrome 的超酷分析器吗?

Right click page -> Inspect Element (or F12)
 -> Profiles 
 -> collect JavaScript CPU Profile
 -> Start
 -> Stop
 -> Read
 -> Fix Problems
 -> Repeat
于 2012-09-21T19:18:12.647 回答