我有一个 4 列的数据网格视图,前 2 列是组合框列,第三列是文本框列,第 4 列是按钮列。在表单加载中,我必须禁用数据网格的整个按钮列,之后我应该选择前三列和保存后将这前三列保存在数据库中,特定行中的按钮列应启用。前三列应通过单击按钮保存在数据库中。请帮助我,我从很多天开始就遇到了这个问题,这是我使用的代码

private void SATAddTemplate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
           foreach (DataGridViewRow row in datagrdADDTEMP.Rows)

               DataGridViewButtonCell btn = (DataGridViewButtonCell)row.Cells[3];
               btn.ReadOnly = true;
 private void btnSaveSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
           foreach (DataGridViewRow row in datagrdADDTEMP.Rows)

               DataGridViewButtonCell btn = (DataGridViewButtonCell)row.Cells[3];
               btn.ReadOnly = false;

3 回答 3



您需要扩展DataGridViewButtonColumn以使用可禁用按钮创建您自己的 DataGridView 列。 MSDN 上的这篇文章详细介绍了如何执行此操作。

-- DataGridViewDisableButtonColumn
-- DataGridViewDisableButtonCell

完成此操作后,您将能够将DataGridViewDisableButtonColumns 添加到 DataGridView。使用Enabled自定义列中公开的公共属性来设置Enabled每个单元格的 Button 控件的属性。由于您要设置Enabled列中所有按钮的属性,您可以编写一个帮助方法,循环遍历 DataGridView 中的所有行并设置Enabled属性:

private void SetDGVButtonColumnEnable(bool enabled) {
    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows) {
        // Set Enabled property of the fourth column in the DGV.
        ((DataGridViewDisableButtonCell)row.Cells[3]).Enabled = enabled;
于 2012-09-21T07:18:30.797 回答



/// <summary>
/// Adapted from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171619.aspx. Double-buffering was added to remove flicker on re-paints.
/// </summary>
public class DataGridViewDisableButtonCell : DataGridViewButtonCell
    private bool enabledValue;

    public bool Enabled
        get { return enabledValue; }
            if (enabledValue == value) return;
            enabledValue = value;
            // force the cell to be re-painted
            if (DataGridView != null) DataGridView.InvalidateCell(this);

    // Override the Clone method so that the Enabled property is copied. 
    public override object Clone()
        var cell = (DataGridViewDisableButtonCell) base.Clone();
        cell.Enabled = Enabled;
        return cell;

    // By default, enable the button cell. 
    public DataGridViewDisableButtonCell()
        enabledValue = true;

    protected override void Paint(
        Graphics graphics,
        Rectangle clipBounds,
        Rectangle cellBounds,
        int rowIndex,
        DataGridViewElementStates elementState,
        object value,
        object formattedValue,
        string errorText,
        DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
        DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,
        DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
        // The button cell is disabled, so paint the border, background, and disabled button for the cell. 
        if (!enabledValue)
            var currentContext = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current;

            using (var myBuffer = currentContext.Allocate(graphics, cellBounds))
                // Draw the cell background, if specified. 
                if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Background) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Background)
                    using (var cellBackground = new SolidBrush(cellStyle.BackColor))
                        myBuffer.Graphics.FillRectangle(cellBackground, cellBounds);

                // Draw the cell borders, if specified. 
                if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Border) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Border)
                    PaintBorder(myBuffer.Graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle);

                // Calculate the area in which to draw the button.
                var buttonArea = cellBounds;
                var buttonAdjustment = BorderWidths(advancedBorderStyle);
                buttonArea.X += buttonAdjustment.X;
                buttonArea.Y += buttonAdjustment.Y;
                buttonArea.Height -= buttonAdjustment.Height;
                buttonArea.Width -= buttonAdjustment.Width;

                // Draw the disabled button.                
                ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(myBuffer.Graphics, buttonArea, PushButtonState.Disabled);

                // Draw the disabled button text.  
                var formattedValueString = FormattedValue as string;
                if (formattedValueString != null)
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(myBuffer.Graphics, formattedValueString, DataGridView.Font, buttonArea, SystemColors.GrayText, TextFormatFlags.PreserveGraphicsTranslateTransform | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter);

            // The button cell is enabled, so let the base class handle the painting. 
            base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, elementState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
于 2016-02-03T16:53:30.743 回答

您可以使用此 MSDN 文章MSDN 文章:DataGridView 中的禁用按钮它使用一个用于 datagridview 按钮的类,并注意,只要您愿意处理它,就必须检查按钮的启用状态

于 2012-09-21T07:17:16.613 回答