调整大小时,有没有办法强制 WPF 窗口使用橡皮筋(调整大小期间没有内容的实时预览)?

我意识到这通常是 Windows 上的用户偏好,但我的应用程序使用 D3D 窗口,并且在调整大小时会出现明显的闪烁(特别是从左上角向外)。


我应该提到我正在通过 SlimDX 使用 DX10。我还没有找到将 D3DImage 与 DX10 一起使用的方法。这可能吗?


2 回答 2


The best option, in this case, is to use the D3DImage class to present your DX content within WPF. This allows you to have smooth scaling Direct3D content within WPF - with no flickering. In addition, this provides much more complex compositing options, since airspace is no longer an issue.

于 2009-08-09T23:33:13.277 回答

Agreed with Reed, D3DImage class has what you need. I don't think there is a way otherwise to prevent redraw when resizing save for overloading a heck of a lot of window events in an ugly way.

于 2009-08-09T23:36:44.080 回答