我在 github 上的公共 fbsamples 上尝试了 WishList 应用程序。完成所有步骤并设置后端服务器后。在heroku上上传照片没有问题。(我检查 heroku 日志)但运行时错误表明在时间轴上发布有问题(域 = com.facebook.sdk,代码 = 5)
照片上传的响应:{"image_name":"505b5df82ca2e.jpg","image_url":"http://XXX.herokuapp.com/images/505b5df82ca2e.jpg"} 错误:HTTP 状态代码:400 错误:domain = com .facebook.sdk,代码 = 5
"The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 5.)" UserInfo=0xe07c760 {com.facebook.sdk:ParsedJSONResponseKey={type = mutable dict, count >= 2,entries => 1 : {contents = "code"} = {value = +400, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 2 : {contents = "body"} = {type = mutable dict, count = 1,entries => 11 : {contents = "error"} = {type = mutable dict, count = 3,entries => 2 : {contents = "type"} = {contents = "OAuthException"} 3 : {contents = "message"} = {contents = "(#100) Only one of wishlist, product >reference objects can be specified for type MY_APP_SPACE:add_to."} 6 : {contents = "code"} = 100 } } } , com.facebook.sdk:HTTPStatusCode=400}
顺便说一句,我使用 Facebook SDK 3.0.8。我也尝试了最新的 3-1.0.8。但是遇到同样的问题。