I have a div element, that has no defined width or height. It holds other elements, and molds on their size. I need to get the final size of the div, without being able to check the sizes of the elements inside of it (dynamic elements).
I tried parsing all the properties of the object, but found nothing, all were "undefined".
Any thoughts?
Many thanks
Later edit:
I have
<div id="xxx" style="position:relative;">
I tried:
var a = mydiv.style.width;
But it did not work.
I also tried:
var getKeys = function (obj) {
var keys = [];
for(var key in obj){
return keys;
To show all the properties, but none had any info.
The jQuery solution works perfectly, but getComputedStyle
was what I was looking for, as I can't use jquery here.
Sorry for the short information.