我正在使用这段代码从 GUI 应用程序启动一个进程。但是,根据此代码的注释,无法从控制台应用程序启动进程。实际上我想这样做,我想要一个控制台应用程序来启动另一个控制台进程,请问您知道该怎么做吗?
// This technique must be used for "console-less" parents such as GUI
// applications or detached applications.
// Using the STARTUPINFO STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flag, requires that
// the CreateProcess fInheritHandles parameter be set TRUE so that
// the file handles specified in the STARTUPINFO structure will be
// inherited by the child.
// setup the child process's handles for stdin, stdout, & stderr.
STARTUPINFO childProcStartupInfo;
memset( &childProcStartupInfo, 0, sizeof(childProcStartupInfo));
childProcStartupInfo.cb = sizeof(childProcStartupInfo);
childProcStartupInfo.hStdInput = hFromParent; // stdin
childProcStartupInfo.hStdOutput = hToParent; // stdout
childProcStartupInfo.hStdError = hToParentDup; // stderr
childProcStartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
// Now create the child process, inheriting handles
PROCESS_INFORMATION childProcInfo; /* for CreateProcess call */
bOk = CreateProcess(
NULL, // filename
pCmdLine, // full command line for child
NULL, // process security descriptor */
NULL, // thread security descriptor */
TRUE, // inherit handles? Also use if STARTF_USESTDHANDLES */
0, // creation flags */
NULL, // inherited environment address */
NULL, // startup dir; NULL = start in current */
&childProcStartupInfo, // pointer to startup info (input) */
&childProcInfo); // pointer to process info (output) */