我开发了一个 HTTP 通信对象,用于通过 GET 请求下载文件。
这在下载文本文件时工作得很好。但是,下载 zip、gz 或 tar.gz 等压缩文件似乎会下载该文件,但该文件无效。
在 zip 的情况下,我收到一条消息,说它试图在文件开头之前移动指针。在 .tar.gz 的情况下,消息是 file.tar 中的数据错误。文件坏了。
在所有情况下,我使用的下载链接都允许从 URL 进行完整且正确的下载。然而,基于 Java 代码的下载会导致文件失效,但它是无效的。
public class HTTPCommunicationGet {
private URIBuilder sendData;
private URI target;
private HttpGet getConnection;
public HTTPCommunicationGet(String url, TreeMap<String, String> components) {
super(url, components);
public HTTPCommunicationGet(String url, String queryString) {
super(url, queryString);
protected void defineSendData() throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
this.sendData = new URIBuilder(new URI(this.getUrl()));
if (this.getComponents() != null && this.getComponents().size() > 0) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> component : this.getComponents().entrySet()) {
this.sendData.setParameter(component.getKey(), component.getValue());
protected void retrieveRemoteData() throws IOException, MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException, DataMapHTTPGetException {
this.target = this.sendData.build();
this.getConnection = new HttpGet(target);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(this.getConnection);
if (response.getStatusLine().toString().toUpperCase().contains("200 OK")) {
this.setResponse(response.getStatusLine().toString(), "Data Retrieved");
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()));
String line = "";
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
} else {
String message = String.format("%s: Provider connection exception; response returned was not 200 OK", this.target.toASCIIString());
this.setResponse(response.getStatusLine().toString(), message);
DataMapHTTPGetException ex = new DataMapHTTPGetException(target.toString(), message);
throw ex;
public void downloadFiles(String localFile) throws DataMapConnectionException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
// check that we have remoteData set
this.retrieveRemoteData(); // everything is bubbled up to the controller class that is calling this.
File localMetaFile = new File(localFile);
switch (this.archiveMetaFile(localMetaFile)) {
case -1:
IOException ex = new IOException(String.format("The file %s could not be moved", localFile));
throw ex;
case 0:
infoLog.info(String.format("%s: this file did not already exist", localFile));
case 1:
infoLog.info(String.format("%s: this file was found and successfully archived to the processed directory", localFile));
BufferedWriter fileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(localFile));
如您所见,这是在对象初始化后通过 downloadFiles 调用的。我已经删除了本示例不需要的代码,例如 archiveMetaFile 方法。