从过去的两天开始,我一直陷入一种奇怪的境地。我在我的/var/www/html文档根目录中有一个名为 drupal 的 drupal 安装,我正在使用 url 'http://domainname/drupal' 访问它。它打开很好。在我设置为settings.php的目录中。在同一目录中,我创建了名为 .drupal 的副本。我导出了项目 drupal 的数据库并创建了一个新数据库并与之关联。我更改了文件中所需的设置。我还将变量更改为. 当我尝试打开 URL时,它没有打开并且显示一条消息。我已经复制了drupal/sites/default$base_urlhttp://domainname/drupal/var/www/htmldrupalsixdrupalsix$db_urlsettings.phpdrupalsix/sites/default/settings.php$base_urlhttp://domainname/drupalsixhttp://domainname/drupalsixNot Found The requested url was not found on this server.htaccess文件从 drupal 到 drupalsix 目录正确clean url并且也被禁用。在我的httpd.conf文件中AllowOverride All,drupal 和 drupal 6 都有,如下所示:-

<Directory /var/www/html/drupal>
    AllowOverride All
AccessFileName .htaccess

<Directory /var/www/html/drupalsix>
    AllowOverride All
AccessFileName .htaccess 

我还在此处附加了 .htaccess 文件以供参考。请帮助我,因为我没有发现我的设置有什么问题。对于 drupal,一切都很好,但对于 drupalix,它显示未找到。我的操作系统是cent os linux。在此先感谢这是我的 .htaccess 文件

# Apache/PHP/Drupal settings:

# Protect files and directories from prying eyes.
<FilesMatch "\.(engine|inc|info|install|make|module|profile|test|po|sh|.*sql|theme|tpl(\.php)?|xtmpl|svn-base)$|^(code-style\.pl|Entries.*|Repository|Root|Tag|Template|all-wcprops|entries|format)$">
  Order allow,deny

# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
Options -Indexes

# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
Options +FollowSymLinks

# Make Drupal handle any 404 errors.
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

# Force simple error message for requests for non-existent favicon.ico.
<Files favicon.ico>
  # There is no end quote below, for compatibility with Apache 1.3.
  ErrorDocument 404 "The requested file favicon.ico was not found.

# Set the default handler.
DirectoryIndex index.php kjsfgbvytuilwecftuwel

# Override PHP settings. More in sites/default/settings.php
# but the following cannot be changed at runtime.

# PHP 4, Apache 1.
<IfModule mod_php4.c>
  php_value magic_quotes_gpc                
  php_value register_globals                0
  php_value session.auto_start              0
  php_value mbstring.http_input             pass
  php_value mbstring.http_output            pass
  php_value mbstring.encoding_translation   0

# PHP 4, Apache 2.
<IfModule sapi_apache2.c>
  php_value magic_quotes_gpc                0
  php_value register_globals                0
  php_value session.auto_start              0
  php_value mbstring.http_input             pass
  php_value mbstring.http_output            pass
  php_value mbstring.encoding_translation   0

# PHP 5, Apache 1 and 2.
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
  php_value magic_quotes_gpc                0
  php_value register_globals                0
  php_value session.auto_start              0
  php_value mbstring.http_input             pass
  php_value mbstring.http_output            pass
  php_value mbstring.encoding_translation   0

# Requires mod_expires to be enabled.
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
  # Enable expirations.
  ExpiresActive On

  # Cache all files for 2 weeks after access (A).
  ExpiresDefault A1209600

  <FilesMatch \.php$>
    # Do not allow PHP scripts to be cached unless they explicitly send cache
    # headers themselves. Otherwise all scripts would have to overwrite the
    # headers set by mod_expires if they want another caching behavior. This may
    # fail if an error occurs early in the bootstrap process, and it may cause
    # problems if a non-Drupal PHP file is installed in a subdirectory.
    ExpiresActive Off

# Various rewrite rules.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on

  # If your site can be accessed both with and without the 'www.' prefix, you
  # can use one of the following settings to redirect users to your preferred
  # URL, either WITH or WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix. Choose ONLY one option:
  # To redirect all users to access the site WITH the 'www.' prefix,
  # (http://example.com/... will be redirected to http://www.example.com/...)
  # adapt and uncomment the following:
  # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$ [NC]
  # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301]
  # To redirect all users to access the site WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix,
  # (http://www.example.com/... will be redirected to http://example.com/...)
  # uncomment and adapt the following:
  # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$ [NC]
  # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://example.com/$1 [L,R=301]

  # Modify the RewriteBase if you are using Drupal in a subdirectory or in a
  # VirtualDocumentRoot and the rewrite rules are not working properly.
  # For example if your site is at http://example.com/drupal uncomment and
  # modify the following line:
  # RewriteBase /drupal
  # If your site is running in a VirtualDocumentRoot at http://example.com/,
  # uncomment the following line:
  # RewriteBase /

  # Rewrite URLs of the form 'x' to the form 'index.php?q=x'.
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

# $Id$

2 回答 2



这是一个来自 drupal 的页面,其中包含许多关于多站点 drupal 的教程

于 2012-09-20T10:14:49.617 回答

就我而言,我从 apache 配置文件中丢失了“AllowOverride All”

于 2021-10-12T15:52:22.917 回答