I did the install:
grails install-plugin fck-editor
i added to config:
fckeditor {
upload {
basedir = "/tmp/storagearea/"
baseurl = "/uploads/"
overwrite = false
link {
browser = true
upload = false
allowed = []
denied = ['html', 'htm', 'php', 'php2', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5',
'phtml', 'pwml', 'inc', 'asp', 'aspx', 'ascx', 'jsp',
'cfm', 'cfc', 'pl', 'bat', 'exe', 'com', 'dll', 'vbs', 'js', 'reg',
'cgi', 'htaccess', 'asis', 'sh', 'shtml', 'shtm', 'phtm']
image {
browser = true
upload = true
allowed = ['jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'png']
denied = []
flash {
browser = false
upload = false
allowed = ['swf']
denied = []
media {
browser = false
upload = false
allowed = ['mpg','mpeg','avi','wmv','asf','mov']
denied = []
<fck:editor width="600" height="400">HELLO</fck:editor>
in my edit.gsp
The edit does not show in the browser.
full doc: http://grails.org/plugin/fckeditor running ubuntu 10.04 LTS and grails 2.0.3