您正在谈论的区别在于“捕获”事件模型或“冒泡”事件模型之间。jQuery 的触发器在 Bubble 模型上运行可能是因为这是更受支持的事件模型——主要归功于 Internet Explorer。Bubble 模型仅通过元素父母向后移动......这就是为什么您的事件在从 触发div2
addEventListener (type, listener[, useCapture])
用作最后一个参数,则事件侦听器应在 Capture 阶段(即事件沿 dom 树传播时)触发。如果设置为 false,则事件将在返回 dom 树时发生的冒泡阶段触发。
正如我所说,这是否适用于定制活动,我不确定。我很确定你不能用 jQuery 做这个(到目前为止)可能是由于旧浏览器缺乏支持。
看来我在上面的猜测不起作用。由于“捕获”一词让您考虑捕获用户输入,我想了很多——当涉及到定制事件时,没有办法定义一种新的用户输入。所以考虑到这一点,我把这个快速的 jQuery 插件放在一起......它只是经过粗略的测试,但逻辑应该是合理的 - 希望它有用:
* unbubble v0.2
* trigger an event down through the children of a collection,
* rather than up through it's parents
* @update 2013/03/18 - fixed the problem of triggering bubble phase each
* step down the element tree as pointed out by @vine.
$.fn.unbubble = function( eventNames ){
var names = eventNames.split(' '),
non = names.length,
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
/// our own trigger function designed to bubble down... not up!
var trigger = function(){
var i, events, elm = $(this);
/// make sure we can read the events array
if ( $._data ) {
/// make sure events is defined
if ( (events = $._data(this, 'events')) ) {
/// do a quick check, saves firing trigger on every element found
for ( i=0; i<non; i++ ) {
/// make sure our eventName appears in the event list
if ( names[i] && ( names[i] in events ) ) {
/// trigger the standard jQuery trigger function
elm.triggerHandler.apply(elm, args);
/// escape as trigger should fire for multiple names
/// if we can't access the events array, just trigger and hope
else {
/// trigger the standard jQuery trigger function
elm.triggerHandler.apply(elm, args);
/// trigger for all the children, and on, and on...
/// foreach element trigger now...
* Example usage
/// bind our event as usual
$('.div2').bind('customEvent', function(){
alert('I should trigger!');
/// rather than use trigger, fire with unbubble
$('#div1').unbubble( 'customEvent' );