将两个 onload 事件挂钩到 iframe 并在不同的 onload 尝试上发生的 javascript 代码是什么。
我希望第一个 onload 只做下一个 onload 重定向。这可能吗?
将两个 onload 事件挂钩到 iframe 并在不同的 onload 尝试上发生的 javascript 代码是什么。
我希望第一个 onload 只做下一个 onload 重定向。这可能吗?
New Answer
After re-reading your question, I realized you wanted the functions to to trigger on separate events. This is easier to achieve:
var ifr = document.getElementById('daiframe');
ifr.onload = function(){
ifr.onload = function(){
// do the redirect here
ifr.src = 'http://initial.url/';
What is of utmost importance here is that you set the onload code above BEFORE the iframe gets the initial URL, like I did. Assuming you are writing the iframe HTML code directly, be sure that the SRC attribute points to about:blank
Edit: From information given in comment and my earlier warning...
Let's say the PHP part looks like this:
$code = '<iframe src="http://some.url/"></iframe>';
echo $code;
That code needs to be changed to:
$code = '<iframe src="http://some.url/"></iframe>';
echo str_replace('<iframe ', '<iframe onload="ifrLoaded();" ', $code);
?><script type="text/javascript">
var alreadyLoaded = false;
function ifrLoaded(){
// do your redirect
alreadyLoaded = true;
Old Answer
Something like this?
function appendEvent(el, name, fn){
if(typeof el[name] == 'function'){
var oldfn = el[name];
el[name] = function(){
oldfn.apply(this, arguments);
fn.apply(this, arguments);
el[name] = fn;
var ifr = document.getElementById('daiframe');
appendEvent(ifr, 'onload', function(){});
appendEvent(ifr, 'onload', function(){ /* do the redirect */ });
ifr.src = 'http://target.url/'; // since onload fires only after the URL is set