我找到了两种为 aspx 动态加载页面 html 的方法,但唯一的问题是我的 txt 文件在另一台服务器上,并且需要方法询问网络服务器上的虚拟路径或物理路径。
有什么办法可以让我从 url 从 azure 加载而不是从文件路径加载,或者如果我只能将字符串传递给 PageParser 或 BuildManager。
The relative virtual path 'http:/tplexcontent.blob.core.windows.net/commonresources/test123.txt' is not allowed here.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Method 1
var pageView = PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance("/Page2.aspx", "http://tplexcontent.blob.core.windows.net/commonresources/test123.txt", HttpContext.Current);
//Method 2
public static void LoadPage(string pagePath)
// get the compiled type of referenced path
Type type = BuildManager.GetCompiledType(pagePath);
// if type is null, could not determine page type
if (type == null)
throw new ApplicationException("Page " + pagePath + " not found");
// cast page object (could also cast an interface instance as well)
// in this example, ASP220Page is a custom base page
_Default pageView = (_Default)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
// call page title
pageView.Title = "Dynamically loaded page...";
// process the request with updated object