App.eventsController.set('content', [{ start: 50, end: 100 }]);
{ start: 50, end: 100 } !== Em.Object.create({ start: 50, end: 100 });
Did you mean:
App.eventsController.set('content', [Em.Object.create({ start: 50, end: 100 })]);
or simply:
App.eventsController.clear().pushObject(Em.Object.create({ start: 25, end: 100 }));
App.eventsController.set('content', [{ start: 50, end: 100 }]);//will work
//but you cannot use set/get etc on the object later as its a pure js object.
is kind of strict in most ways, needs setAttributeNS
in most places, takes all textNodes, so making a template engine manage things inside SVG is hard.
One workaround for now will be to use separate positioned SVG
elements and restructure like:
App.EventView = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'svg',
templateName: 'event',
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="event"><g><rect {{bindAttr x="view.x"}} {{bindAttr y="view.y"}} {{bindAttr width="view.width"}} {{bindAttr height="view.height"}}></rect></g></script>
I did something similar on a dropped project:
{{#each groups}}
{{#view App.groupView groupBinding="this"}}
<svg class="migration" height="568" width="1024">
<g transform="translate(0,0)">
<path {{bindAttr style="bezierStyle"}} {{bindAttr d="bezierPath"}} class="curve" />
I would also love to hear if there is a better solution without unbinding or manual templating.