所以我做了一个四叉树函数,给定 i=1:4 坐标 (localmaplon[i],localmaplat[i]),它搜索并返回 4 个四叉树节点,这样我就可以看到 localmap 在哪些四叉树中。
我的 cout 看起来像这样:
i: 1 //good.
i: 10 //good.
i: 11 //good.
i: 12 //good.
i: 13 //good.
index returned: 13 //good.
index returned: 13 //good.
index returned: 13 //good.
index returned: 13 //good.
index returned: 13 //good.
0 index: 13 //good.
index: 13 <-- returns index 13! //good.
i: 13 <--Starts the next getQuadTree on index 13. Desired effect is 1 like above code.
index returned: 13 //bad
0 index: 13 //bad
index: 13 //bad
i: 13 //bad
index returned: 13 //bad
0 index: 13 //bad
index: 13 //bad
i: 13 //bad
index returned: 13 //bad
0 index: 13 //bad
index: 13 //bad
//Solve for local buckets in a local map using the quadtree
QuadTree QuadTree::solveLocalBuckets(Robot* Bot) {
float *ptrLat;
float *ptrLon;
MatrixXf bucketMatrix(1, Bot->localmapsize);
vector <QuadTree> vecQt;
for (int i=0; i<Tad->localmapsize; i++) {
vecQt.push_back(vecQt[0].getQuadTree((ptrLat+i), (ptrLon+i)));
cout << "0 index: " << vecQt[0].index << endl;
cout << "index: " << vecQt[i+1].index << endl;
return vecQt[0];
这是 getQuadTree 函数。
//Gets a quadtree given a latitude and longitude from a quadtree.
QuadTree QuadTree::getQuadTree(float* tlat, float* tlon) {
cout << "i: " << this->index << endl;
if (hasChild) {
if (*tlon >= centerLon) {
if (*tlat >= centerLat) {
//Qaudrant 1
if (NE->hasChild) {
*this = NE->getQuadTree(tlat, tlon);
} else {
cout << "index returned: " << this->index << endl;
return *NE;
} else if (*tlat < centerLat) {
//Qaudrant 4
if (SE->hasChild) {
*this = SE->getQuadTree(tlat, tlon);
} else {
cout << "index returned: " << this->index << endl;
return *SE;
} else {
ROS_INFO("Robot latitidue data corrupt.");
} else if (*tlon < centerLon) {
if (*tlat >= centerLat) {
//Quadrant 2
if (NW->hasChild) {
*this = NW->getQuadTree(tlat, tlon);
} else {
cout << "index returned: " << this->index << endl;
return *NW;
} else if (*tlat < centerLat) {
//Quadrant 3
if (SW->hasChild) {
*this = SW->getQuadTree(tlat, tlon);
} else {
cout << "index returned: " << this->index << endl;
return *SW;
} else {
ROS_INFO("Robot latitidue data corrupt.");
} else {
ROS_INFO("Robot longitutde data corrupt.");
cout << "index returned: " << this->index << endl;
return *this;