I keep running into a strange intermittent issue with eclipse for the past few days where I will be editing code, save it, and then eclipse starts reporting hundreds (or sometimes thousands) of MyClassName cannot be resolved to a type errors. The errors are completely bogus as the classes do exist, and if I do a clean and rebuild on the entire workspace the issue goes away. This is the second workspace in a row that it has suddenly happened to.

Has anyone else ever run into this before? Is there some way to fix this issue without recreating an entirely new workspace (which is extremely frustrating). I'm not entirely sure what keeps happening to seemingly corrupt my workspaces.


For clarification this is happening with multiple projects that are all Java (web application) projects using only the standard 'Java Builder.'


3 回答 3


调试 Eclipse 出错是一项痛苦的任务。我养成了重新安装它的常规习惯,可悲但真实。Eclipse 插件框架倾向于导致这些类型的交互。您没有提及 Eclipse 的版本以及它是 EE 还是标准版本。

因此,我建议您尝试全新安装 Eclipse。要尝试的另一件事是更改用于运行 Eclipse 的 JVM。最广泛使用和测试的 JVM 仍然是 Sun/Oracle Java6。

我使用标准版本的 Eclipse 获得了最好的结果,并且只根据需要添加了 EE 的东西,即 Web 开发人员工具。

于 2012-09-18T16:02:17.177 回答

如果在安装了病毒扫描程序的 Windows 上发生这种情况,您可能需要尝试从按访问扫描程序中排除您的工作区目录。只要启用了 TrendMicro 病毒扫描程序,我有两个同事经常会遇到非常烦人(且不可重现)的构建错误。

于 2012-09-18T16:49:32.150 回答

在 git merge 与多个冲突后,Eclipse Neon 发生在我身上,我解决了删除和重新导入我的项目的问题。

于 2017-12-05T08:54:44.263 回答