I have table with 2 foreign keys. when I am trying to insert duplicate value (for foreign keys) it gives erroe says "An item with the same key has already been added"
below is my code
CheckListTrack CheckListtrack = new CheckListTrack();
trackId = entityCollection.WorkItemTrack.Max(p => p.TrackID) ;
foreach (int ListID in tracklist)
CheckListtrack.WorkItemTrackReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey("SEIESSEntities.WorkItemTrack", "TrackID", trackId); // foreign key
CheckListtrack.CheckListReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey("SEIESSEntities.CheckList", "CheckListID", ListID); // foreign key
entityCollection.AddToCheckListTrack(CheckListtrack); // error comes after second time control passes here
success = true;
Please help me