I'm have markup like this:

<div class="imagegroup">
<div class="imagegroup">
<div class="imagegroup">

And I want to separately get the height of the tallest image in each group. I've got a jquery each function within an each function:

$('.imagegroup').each(function(index) {
    var tallestHeight = 0;
    var slideshowNumber = index; 
    var slides = $(this).children();

    $(slides).each(function(index) {
        thisSlideHeight = $(this).height();
        console.log("In slideshow #" + slideshowNumber + ", slide #" + index + " has height " + thisSlideHeight);
        if (thisSlideHeight > tallestHeight) {
            var tallestHeight = thisSlideHeight;
        return tallestHeight;

    console.log("For slideshow " + slideshowNumber + " the tallest slide is " + tallestHeight);


But I'm puzzled as to how to pass the result of the inner each function "one level" up into the "outer" each function without just setting a global variable. tallestHeight stays at zero as I've written this. I realize this is super beginner :) All help very appreciated.



1 回答 1


你不需要return tallestHeight,删除它,它会工作。

并更改var tallestHeight = thisSlideHeight;tallestHeight = thisSlideHeight;每个内部的第二个,您应该使用外部变量,而不是声明一个新变量。


$('.imagegroup').each(function(index) {
    var max = Math.max.apply(null, $(this).find('img').map(function() {
       return $(this).height();
    console.log("For slideshow " + index + " the tallest slide is " + max);


于 2012-09-18T02:07:45.043 回答