您正在寻找的功能是拆分(此链接适用于 VB 功能,但在 VBA 中的行为几乎相同)。您可以将特定字符串传递给它并指定分隔符,它将返回每个值的数组。
由于您没有说明如何将信息呈现给用户,因此下面的示例将在 Excel 的中间窗口中打印出与您所期望的内容相近的内容。
Option Explicit
Sub SplitExample()
Dim inputString As String
Dim categories() As String
Dim subCategories() As String
Dim individualSubCat() As String
Dim cat As Variant
Dim subCat As Variant
Dim cnt As Integer
inputString = "1:1i;2:2a;3:3a,3d,3l;4:4a"
categories = Split(inputString, ";")
For Each cat In categories
subCategories = Split(cat, ":")
If UBound(subCategories) >= 0 Then
Debug.Print ("Category " & subCategories(0))
If UBound(subCategories) > 0 Then
individualSubCat = Split(subCategories(1), ",")
Debug.Print (vbTab & "Has " & UBound(individualSubCat) - LBound(individualSubCat) + 1 & " flag(s)")
For Each subCat In individualSubCat
Debug.Print (vbTab & subCat & " was flagged " & CountSubCategory(individualSubCat, subCat) & " time(s)")
Debug.Print (vbTab & "No Subcategories flagged")
End If
Debug.Print ("")
End If
Erase subCategories
Erase individualSubCat
End Sub
Private Function CountSubCategory(individualSubCategories() As String, ByVal subCat As String) As Integer
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim value As Variant
cnt = 0
For Each value In individualSubCategories
If value = subCat Then cnt = cnt + 1
CountSubCategory = cnt
End Function
Category 1
Has 1 flag(s)
1i was flagged 1 time(s)
Category 2
Has 1 flag(s)
2a was flagged 1 time(s)
Category 3
Has 3 flag(s)
3a was flagged 1 time(s)
3d was flagged 1 time(s)
3l was flagged 1 time(s)
Category 4
Has 1 flag(s)
4a was flagged 1 time(s)
上面的代码将打印每个标志,即使有重复。你没有说这是否是理想的行为。从数组中过滤或分组重复项并不简单,但最好使用 VBA 中的 Collection 或 Dictionary 类来完成。(查看这个问题以帮助过滤数组中的重复项)。
- 在 VBA 中创建一个 Function 或 Sub 代码以在上面解析它(基本上是上面的内容
. 然后,您将从构建字符串的方法中调用它(您说您已经可以这样做)并将该字符串传递给该方法。
- 决定如何输出结果。实际上,您可以用
可以在某处输出结果的东西替换这些行(大概是另一个 Excel 电子表格,这样您就可以创建您正在寻找的图表)。
Sub OutputErrorCodes()
Dim inputString as String
' You code to read your string values from where-ever you keep them
' and build the inputString
' this source could be a file, or a worksheet in the Excel Workbook
' or could be an external datasource like a database or even an internet
' location
' once you build your inputString, you just need to call ParseErrorCodes
ParseErrorCodes inputString
End Sub
Sub ParseErrorCodes(input as String)
' MyCode from above with some modifications
' - You need to remove the Dim for inputString and the assignment for
' inputString
' - You need to replace the Debug.Print lines with your method of
' defining the output
' * this can be via outputing directly to an excel spreadsheet or
' maybe a global variable
' * outputing to an excel spreadsheet would probably be the best
' option and allow for more dynamic flags, but you need to decide
' where to output it in the code
End Sub
Private Function CountSubCategory(individualSubCategories() As String,
ByVal subCat As String) As Integer)
' this code can probably be taken directly from my example
End Function