
我有 mongo 收集为

array (
  '_id' => new MongoId("50513d8338fc5de706000000"),
  'offers' => 
  array (
    '0' => 
    array (
      'minspend' => '50.00',
      'cashback' => '1.50',
      'percentage' => '0.03',
    '1' => 
    array (
      'minspend' => '100.00',
      'cashback' => '3.00',
      'percentage' => '0.03',
  'percentageTotal' => '0.06',
  'test' => new MongoInt32(1),


array (
        '0' => 
        array (
          'minspend' => '50.00',
          'cashback' => '1.50',
          'percentage' => '0.03',



array (
        '0' => 
        array (
'Offer_id'=> new MongoId(5715671561715),
          'minspend' => '50.00',
          'cashback' => '1.50',
          'percentage' => '0.03',



1 回答 1



    array("_id" => new MongoId("50513d8338fc5de706000000")), 
    array("$set" => array("offers.0" => 
        array (
            'minspend' => '50.00',
            'cashback' => '1.50',
            'percentage' => '0.03',

offers.0指数组中的第 0 个(= 第一个)元素。如果你想更新第二个,你会使用offers.1作为键。

For your second question, I'm assuming you want to add the MongoId to the sub-document. You can do that the same way, simply by adding 'Offer_id' => new MongoId(), before minspend. This will create a new unique MongoId and add it to the sub-document. If you want to add an existing MongoId instead, use new MongoId("...") and replace the ... with the 24 hexidecimal character long string.

If you already have an Offer_id and only want to change the offer that matches that id, you can use the positional $ syntax:

    array("_id" => new MongoId("50513d8338fc5de706000000"),
          "offers.Offer_id" => new MongoId("5059637720dfeda164ec0fe7")), 

    array("$set" => array("offers.$" => 
        array (
            'minspend' => '50.00',
            'cashback' => '1.50',
            'percentage' => '0.03',

You query for the document with the correct _id and additionally for the offers.Offer_id. In the update part of the command, you use offers.$ where $ will automatically match the correct sub-document that contains the Offer_id.

于 2012-09-18T05:35:41.667 回答