我使用以下代码在 DIV
属性中水平和垂直居中图像 DIV is width& height, overflow:hidden, and display:block

问题:仅在 Chromemargin-topmargin-left计算错误,而代码在 FF 和 IE 中运行良好

$('.centerImage').each(function(i) {
    var divH = $(this).parent().height();
    var divW = $(this).parent().width();
    var orgImgH = $(this).height();
    var orgImgW = $(this).width();
    if (orgImgH > orgImgW) {
        $(this).css('width', divW);
        var imgH = $(this).height();
        var mTop = (divH - imgH) / 2;
        $(this).css("margin-top", (mTop < 0) ? mTop : -mTop); //if margin-top value is less than 0 use as is and greater than 0 multiply by -1
    } else {
        $(this).css('height', divH);
        var imgW = $(this).width();
        var mLeft = (divW - imgW) / 2;
        //alert(imgW); alert(mLeft); //chrome bug
        $(this).css("margin-left", (mLeft < 0) ? mLeft : -mLeft);



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