>但我需要从 MySQL 中途获取输出以获取请求。有人有这个食谱吗?
# Bash synchronous client-server #
# or #
# Bash parallel processes with synchronized rendezvous points #
# or #
# Bash interprocess communication with named pipes #
#Declare your session 'globals'
args= #command line arguments are stored here
DIR= #script's current path is stored here
#Early store your bash args before you lose them
for arg in "$@"; do
(( i+=1 ))
## Initialize constants ##
# Explain more... #
function init_vars() {
#absolute path of this script
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )
#global MYSQL_PASS is defined in ~/.profile
#this is the file where we store MySQL root password
if [[ ! $MYSQL_PASS ]]; then
#do some other stuff here...
## Rotate over passed arguments ##
#Parse array 'args' based on the logic of your command line argument syntax #
#Say, '--db <database>' denotes the processing of one database, '--db all' of #
#all databases etc. #
#Linux utilities have contradicting rules for such kind of argument processing #
#(full of crap!), i.e. see tar: tar -xvf or tar --xfv or tar xvf, mysql -p #
#<pass> or mysql -p=<pass> or mysql -p'<pass>' (???) #
function parse_args() {
#your logic goes here
## Opens a MySQL client session ##
# For security reasons password is kept in a file given by MYSQL_PASS. #
function mysql_client() {
mysql --host= --port=3306 --default-character-set=utf8 -u root -p"$( cd $DIR; cat $MYSQL_PASS )"
## A job dispatcher ##
# This thread initiates the workers and also reads intermediate results from #
# the spawned jobs. We don't want to parallelize the whole part of a job but #
# rather to put some parts to run in parallel with the dispatcher and some #
# parts in a sequential order determined by what we call rendezvous points. #
# See the diagram: A, B, C, D, E and F are events or actions during the life of#
# a program. #
# #
# dispatcher #
# | start #
# A ----------------> worker #
# | | #
# B (read blocks) C #
# | signals | #
# B (unblocks)<--------------- D (write blocks) #
# | | #
# E (1st set of results) F #
# | | #
# We can only guarantee that E comes after D or, D->E in time but E->F or F->E #
# and B->C or C->B (we don't care) #
function dispatcher() {
#go to the directory of this script
cd $DIR
#make a temporary directory secured in 'time & space'
TMPDIR=$( mktemp -d XXXXXXXXXX )
#catch exit of this script and delete temporary folder
trap 'cd $DIR && rm -rf "$TMPDIR"' EXIT
#move into the temporary folder
cd ${TMPDIR}
#create named pipes-global to all functions of this script
mkfifo $TMPSQL
#exec 3<> ${DIR}/${TMPDIR}/$TMPSQL || (echo 'error'; exit 1)
#exec 4<> ${DIR}/${TMPDIR}/$TMPSCRIPT || ( echo 'error'; exit 1)
echo '===1.PARENT=== Starting background jobs...'
echo 'We can guarantee the succession only of 2->3,4 and 5->6,7 but NOT 3->4 or 6->7!'
worker &
cat $TMPSQL #make a blocking read!
echo '===4.PARENT=== ...1st query has been read'
cat $TMPSQL #make a blocking read!
echo '===7.PARENT=== ...2nd query has been read'
#don't you dare to exit!
cat $TMPSQL #make a blocking read!
## A job spawned by the dispatcher ##
function worker() {
echo "===2.CHILD=== Executing 1st query......writing to $TMPSQL"
#the dash symbol '-' makes tabs at the beginning of line to be
#ignored inside the here-doc but improves formation!
mysql_client <<- QUERY
\! tee $TMPSQL
use test;
select * from customers;
\! echo '===3.CHILD=== End 1st query'
echo "===5.CHILD=== Executing 2nd query......writing to $TMPSQL"
mysql_client <<- QUERY
\! tee $TMPSQL
use test;
select * from cars;
\! echo '===6.CHILD=== End 2nd query'
echo '===8.CHILD=== End of background jobs'
echo > $TMPSQL
#parse command line arguments
#initialize variables
#call dispatcher
===1.PARENT=== Starting background jobs...
We can guarantee the succession only of 2->3,4 and 5->6,7 but NOT 3->4 or 6->7!
===2.CHILD=== Executing 1st query......writing to mysql-30627.1495.5394.7533
===4.PARENT=== ...1st query has been read
id_customer firstname secondname
1 John Pincolo
2 Mark Denonto
3 Ann Curtis
4 Jeny Wirth
===3.CHILD=== End 1st query
===5.CHILD=== Executing 2nd query......writing to mysql-30627.1495.5394.7533
===7.PARENT=== ...2nd query has been read
id_car type plate date_rent date_returned
1 fiat BG-457 2012-07-18 00:00:00 2012-07-20 00:00:00
2 renault AS-1234 2012-07-20 00:00:00 2012-07-25 00:00:00
3 fiat JYB-2856 2012-06-23 00:00:00 2012-06-24 00:00:00
===6.CHILD=== End 2nd query
===8.CHILD=== End of background jobs
如您所见,我的第一个数据库结果集位于 2 到 5 之间!您想要查询和“主”程序之间的中间结果,并且您拥有它们!
您可能想知道:“嘿,我想获得一个数据库锁,在我的'主'程序执行其他操作时停止会话以冻结!” 嗯,也有答案。函数 'worker' 有 2 个注释命令:
| start
A ----------------> worker
| |
B (read blocks) C
| signals |
B (unblocks)<--------------- D (write blocks)
| |
E (1st set of results) F
| |
| G (read blocks)
| signals |
H ----------------> G (unblocks)
| (write blocks) |
echo 'set @x=@x+1;' > $TMPSCRIPT
其中“@x”是用户定义的变量!我们这里有什么?好吧,我们只是将实时代码“注入”到我们的 sql 作业中!非常棒!!!
现在,可以获取数据库的 LOCk,进行逻辑备份,停止并继续 mysql 客户端,并在数据库 LOCK 仍处于活动状态时为所欲为!
它可以更好:创建二进制备份怎么样?(每年只需为您节省 2,000-10,000 美元,请参阅:https ://shop.oracle.com )
总比更好:一堆说 10 个数据库可以被锁定并开始备份,第一个完成发送确认到调度程序,调度程序在列表中添加另一个数据库,直到它变空!只记得每个工人都需要两把锁来进行双向锁定。
我们甚至可以同时启动 3 个调度程序,因为它们在空间上是独一无二的,因此不可能面对它们的命名管道的冲突。
这是我的 2,000 美元建议