我有一个域 example.com 和 mainexample.com-我希望 example.com 指向已经由 htaccess 文件驱动的 mainexample.com/social/pre/register/121。

我不知道该怎么做。我已将两个域指向同一个目录。我在一个虚拟共享服务器上,所以我将 directadmin 与 php/codeigniter 一起使用。

该站点使用下面列出的 codeigniter 的标准 htaccess 文件

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /upd8r_jul

#Removes access to the system folder by users.
#Additionally this will allow you to create a System.php controller,
#previously this would not have been possible.
#'system' can be replaced if you have renamed your system folder.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^system.*
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L]

#When your application folder isn't in the system folder
#This snippet prevents user access to the application folder
#Submitted by: Fabdrol
#Rename 'application' to your applications folder name.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^application.*
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L]

#Checks to see if the user is attempting to access a valid file,
#such as an image or css document, if this isn't true it sends the
#request to index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L]

1 回答 1


您将要在行中添加斜杠%{REQUEST_URI},因为它们看起来都像/somethingsomething不像 URI 用于匹配RewriteRule's 中的匹配项。但这确实会影响您提出的问题。

如果要重定向http://example.com/到,http://mainexample.com/social/pre/register/121则将这些规则添加到htaccess 文件中已有的规则之上:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ http://mainexample.com/social/pre/register/121 [L,R=301]
于 2012-09-17T16:39:00.450 回答