我发现 MSDN 论坛中的这篇文章很有帮助。Carlos Lopez 发布了一些代码以从 Base64 编码的证书中获取公钥。
public static CryptographicKey GetCryptographicPublicKeyFromCert(string strCert)
int length;
CryptographicKey CryptKey = null;
byte[] bCert = Convert.FromBase64String(strCert);
// Assume Cert contains RSA public key
// Find matching OID in the certificate and return public key
byte[] rsaOID = EncodeOID("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1");
int index = FindX509PubKeyIndex(bCert, rsaOID, out length);
// Found X509PublicKey in certificate so copy it.
if (index > -1)
byte[] X509PublicKey = new byte[length];
Array.Copy(bCert, index, X509PublicKey, 0, length);
AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider AlgProvider = AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(AsymmetricAlgorithmNames.RsaPkcs1);
CryptKey = AlgProvider.ImportPublicKey(CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArray(X509PublicKey));
return CryptKey;
static int FindX509PubKeyIndex(byte[] Reference, byte[] value, out int length)
int index = -1;
bool found;
length = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < Reference.Length; n++)
if ((Reference[n] == value[0]) && (n + value.Length < Reference.Length))
index = n;
found = true;
for (int m = 1; m < value.Length; m++)
if (Reference[n + m] != value[m])
found = false;
if (found) break;
else index = -1;
if (index > -1)
// Find outer Sequence
while (index > 0 && Reference[index] != 0x30) index--;
while (index > 0 && Reference[index] != 0x30) index--;
if (index > -1)
// Find the length of encoded Public Key
if ((Reference[index + 1] & 0x80) == 0x80)
int numBytes = Reference[index + 1] & 0x7F;
for (int m = 0; m < numBytes; m++)
length += (Reference[index + 2 + m] << ((numBytes - 1 - m) * 8));
length += 4;
length = Reference[index + 1] + 2;
return index;
static public byte[] EncodeOID(string szOID)
int[] OIDNums;
byte[] pbEncodedTemp = new byte[64];
byte[] pbEncoded = null;
int n, index, num, count;
OIDNums = ParseOID(szOID);
pbEncodedTemp[0] = 6;
pbEncodedTemp[2] = Convert.ToByte(OIDNums[0] * 40 + OIDNums[1]);
count = 1;
for (n = 2, index = 3; n < OIDNums.Length; n++)
num = OIDNums[n];
if (num >= 16384)
pbEncodedTemp[index++] = Convert.ToByte(num / 16384 | 0x80);
num = num % 16384;
if (num >= 128)
pbEncodedTemp[index++] = Convert.ToByte(num / 128 | 0x80);
num = num % 128;
pbEncodedTemp[index++] = Convert.ToByte(num);
pbEncodedTemp[1] = Convert.ToByte(count);
pbEncoded = new byte[count + 2];
Array.Copy(pbEncodedTemp, 0, pbEncoded, 0, count + 2);
return pbEncoded;
static public int[] ParseOID(string szOID)
int nlast, n = 0;
bool fFinished = false;
int count = 0;
int[] dwNums = null;
nlast = n;
n = szOID.IndexOf(".", nlast);
if (n == -1) fFinished = true;
} while (fFinished == false);
dwNums = new int[count];
count = 0;
fFinished = false;
nlast = n;
n = szOID.IndexOf(".", nlast);
if (n != -1)
dwNums[count] = Convert.ToInt32(szOID.Substring(nlast, n - nlast), 10);
fFinished = true;
dwNums[count] = Convert.ToInt32(szOID.Substring(nlast, szOID.Length - nlast), 10);
} while (fFinished == false);
return dwNums;